*Chapter One*

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Laying Lillian in her bed, I switch off all the lights in my small two bedroom house.
Being a single mother and working as a waitress never leaves enough money to afford luxuries.
Walking to the lounge, I switch on the TV.

"Tonight on the elections we have a pleasant surprise. I hope the nation is ready for this big but yet, generous surprise."
Looking at the tall dark haired woman makes me irritated to hell and back.
So much make up, so much hair spray and that expensive clothes she always wears tells me more about who she is than I would have known if I had gotten to know her.
I wonder if this woman knows she looks like a porcelain doll?
Probably, I mean who wears that many diamonds and make up?
Shaking the negative thoughts about this girl away, I give my full attention to what she's actually saying.
I wonder what poor girl will have to drop her whole life, leave her whole family behind to marry a stranger.
Poor soul. I wish her luck.
"For tonights elections, We have the prince himself speak and choose his new wife."
Excitement bubbling out of her expensive Avon red lipped mouth.
Coming unto the stage, is the devil himself.
Well not really, but I mean how cruel the royals must be to do this each year to unsuspecting girls all around the globe.
Forcing them to marry a stranger, a spoiled brat.
At least this will be the last election, seeing as all 5 of the royal brothers have married already.
Shuddering, I wrap a blanket over my body and snuggle into my comfy pillow.
Ready to see who gets picked next.
Walking with a grace and lethalness I have only seen once in my life, he stands at the center of the stage and takes the mike.
Smiling, making my heart flutter with those soft pink lips, I gasp when I hear his deep voice.
"Greetings my people. Tonight I will declare whom I will marry in two months time. As you all know, the girl that I choose will be escorted to my property immediately. I hope your in for a surprise. May God bless my people."
Oh shit, so he chose the girl himself?
Oh my, is this really the man I served last week?
The prince?!
No wonder the tip was a whole week worth of groceries and petrol.
Nerves racking my brain, leaving me speechless.
I served the prince!
I have to tell mother, she will freak.
Clearing his throat, he speaks clearly and gracefully.
"Tonight I choose my future bride to be...Rose Lorianna Black.
You will escorted to my estates within half an hour. I hope you are as excited as I am. Goodnight everybody."
Did he say my name?
Am I delusional?
Bolting upright, I sprint to my 9 year old's room.
My poor baby!
I refuse to leave the life I have built for me and my daughter!
He can not do this to me.
Hearing car tyres scream, I'm frightened to death.
They will break down my door and drag me to that arrogant prince!
Piece of spoiled rotten little rat!
Grabbing Roza, I pack necessary things like clothes and my money and credit cards.
"Baby, get your dolls, grab mommy's car keys! We have to go now!"
Frightened she looks into my eyes, shaking my head I gesture to her dolls.
"Mommy will explain later, OK sweetie? Just hurry please."
Grabbing her dolls, she runs to the kitchen to take my keys.
I grab stuff as fast as I can, escape clouding my mind like fleas.
Hearing Roza scream in fright, I bolt to the kitchen.
Freezing in my steps, my heart stops beating.
Two bulky men have Roza in their arms, kicking and screaming.
What do I do now?
Goon number one starts speaking, making me cringe.
"Miss Rose, I suggest you get in the car before I take your daughter and you will never see her again."
I sigh in frustration, biting my lower lip, I give up.
Speaking in a cold voice I hardly ever use, I glare at the prince's goons.
"Fine, but you leave my daughter out of this before I break your neck."
Goon number two gulps, and drops Roza while goon number one grins.
Cocky dog, I better watch my back with this Neanderthal.

Leaving my sanctuary with my baby tightly clutched to my side.
I feel utterly depressed.
Why did he choose me?
I'm no lady, no princess.
I snort like a pig when I laugh, I snore when I'm sleeping, I hardly have money to buy make up and hair and face products.
I'm a small town peasant, but yet the prince chose me.
There must be thousands of women jealous of me right now.
But as far as I'm concerned they can take this spoiled brat, sneaky rat, choice thief away from me any day.
Preferably at this moment.
Climbing into the black limousine, I hold Roza while she's crying.
"Its gonna be OK darling, I promise. Mommy will sort this out. We can escape, just give me time. In the meanwhile just stay calm please? I bet they have those barbie dolls you like so much, I can even demand they buy you a doll house and lots of Barbie's with princess dresses and Disney movies."
Excitement burning in her eyes, sparkling in the moonlight.
It makes my heart swell.
Her father was never in her life, when I got pregnant he ran away and built himself a life with a new wife and two kids.
Bastard never even batted an eyelash when my little princess was born.
Falling asleep with thoughts how to escape, I have a dreamless sleep.

*4 hours later*

"Mommy, mommy you have to wake up!"
Feeling Roza touch my arm awakes me, instantly alert for danger.
I'll kick butt if anybody as much as looks at my butterfly, I took MMA classes and kick boxing along with firearms. Dutifully I mastered all of them, Being Able to protect my butterfly means the world to me.
"Miss, Step out of the car please. You need to meet the prince in under 40 minutes. You can go freshen up and there will be a maid in your room to see to your needs."
Muttering curses at them, I walk angrily behind them towards my "room".
Checking out the castle, I almost whistle at the beauty.
Bright trees and cut but vibrant grass, beautiful flowers everywhere I look.
Red, green. Blue and yellow painted walls, harbouring the devil.
Figures that he gets to have the best out of everything.
Walking to my room. I spot numerous maids in white dresses flowing to their feet.
Beautiful hair do's and enough but not too much make up.
Snorting, goon 1 glares at me.
Even the maids look better than me. But he just had to choose me didn't he.
Stopping in front of a golden door, rimmed with red and black roses painted from top to bottom.
Taking a deep breath, I open the door.
Gasping for air, I get a panick attack.
Oh my good bejesus.

Lillian roza black

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