Chapter 1: all alone

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I  taste the snow as I walk down the steps and out the schoolyard gates. I am on my way to pick up my younger sister from daycare, we will go to pick up a present for our  mom from the general store because its Mother's Day on Sunday. I  walk down the street in deep thought. Thinking about what to buy her. Then I come back to reality as  I walk down the daycare lane. As soon as I  knock on the door bursts open and a young girl with blonde hair run down the lane and starts playing in the snow. "Sorry about that," someone says. I whirl around to see the owner of the daycare Ms.Shalti  carrying my sister Lily. " Its fine," I reply, "Has she been good today?" Ms.Shalti smiles, "Excellent," then she says as she hands me Lily. I say goodbye as I walk in the snow carrying my 11 month old sister.     
    Mom should be almost home by now. I walk in the general store, grab a cart and put Lily in. "What should we get her" I ask knowing she can't talk. I push the cart over to the fabric section. They are having a sale for $0.50 for every yard and I know my mom loves making clothing. I grab four nice patterns and go over to the thread and get a small kit. I feel like I should get some cake but it is way too expensive so instead I grab a pack of four rolls one for: Me, Lily, Mom, and Papa. Next I head over to the drinks and grab a quart of milk. I head to the checkout then remember that mom asked me to get plastic cups and a new sheet for their bed. I know I don't have much money but I go and get plastic cups? I grab four then run to grab a sheet set . Then finally I head to the checkout. "Hello I'm Julie" the cashier says. "Nice to meet you" I say back. The cashier rings me up. "Your total is $12.25," the cashier tells me. I'm stressing real hard mom only gave me $15.00 to buy the stuff that she asked for and Lily's Birthday is in a week and I wanted to buy her something. I reluctantly hand over the money and take my change. I'm sure I'll be able to find something for Lily next week. On the way home I stop to put the stuff I bought in my school bag so mom won't see what I got her then pick up Lily and keep walking.      
    When I get home I see a bunch of officers standing in the driveway carrying something. I move a little closer, "NOOOOO!!!!!" I scream as I realize they are carrying the bodies of my parents!

Avonlea Brooks, Battling Snow, Book: 1Where stories live. Discover now