1.) A New Season

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Finally, the day of the Blackhawks home opener is here!

I messily pulled my hair up into a bun, sitting in front of my mirror. Squealing, as I pulled out my makeup. I brushed on foundation, concealer,powder, and some light brown eyeshadow. I took my eyeliner pencil and began to draw a winged line on my eyes


I picked up my phone to see a text from Y/Bff/N

Y/Bff/N: Eeek!! Omg!! Y/n are you excited?!
Y/N: YES!! Im shaking, Im soo excited!!
Y/Bff/N: Ahhhh!! Have fun!! Send me photos!!

I smiled, continuing on with my makeup

I plugged my curling iron in, and turned on Chealsea Dagger

Holding the curling iron like a microphone, I began to sing, more like scream, every single word

"Chealsea!Chealsea!I Believe That when ya dancin slowly suckin ya sleeve!"

Finally, when I looked presentable, i threw on some leggings, white converse, and my #88 jersey

I grabbed everything I needed, before making my way to the car

Hiya!! Im Kaleigh!! This is my first ever book, and of course being the obsessive fangirl that I am it is about the beautiful lil bread boy!! Hopefully I can update regularly!! Thank you so much for reading!!
Much love, Kaleigh :-)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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