Playing dress up

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"Ran-Ran bend over~!"

"Hell no!"

It had been 20 minutes since they had gotten home and after a day full of cross dressing for some sort of reason only Shining himself understood, Ranmaru and Reiji were now in their bedroom, Reiji was sat on the bed and Ranmaru was looking every draw for where Reiji hid his male clothes.

"I swear to god Reiji I will kill you if don’t tell me where they are"

"They’re in the bottom drawer Ran—-"


"Oh really? Maybe you should wear one of those instead?"

Glaring at his lover, deep down Ranmaru knew he’d only get his clothes back after doing something completely embarrassing. Breathing deeply he prepared himself for what shameful actions he was about to do, he could practically hear Reiji become intrigued why he was getting himself ready for something. Looking back up he began walking to Reiji, very awkwardly in heels, until he reached him on the bed which excited the brunette to no end.

"Will you tell me if I… Y’know…?"

"Hmm what is it Ran-Ran? You look all flustered?"


Not being able to take the obvious amusement in his lover’s voice Ranmaru dropped to his knees and stroked up Reiji’s thighs under his dress. Reiji’s skin was always softer than his own, probably all the lotions he uses but Ran guessed Reiji would have soft skin even if he didn't use them. Looking back up at the very man, he blushed noticing how devilish he looked even while dressed as a girl, it was actually kind of exciting and sent a shiver down his spine.

"Someones frisky~"

"If I… Here…"

"Maybe~ Why don’t you try Ran-Ran~ See what you can get out of me~"

Stroking Reiji’s now noticeable erection, Ranmaru was getting hotter from all the teasing being done to him even if the other’s hands weren't anywhere near him and still on the bed. Gulping down his nerves, the greynette lifted up the dress slightly and began kissing up where his hands where moments ago, eagerly approaching his crotch. As he went further up Ranmau noticed a small panting from Reiji and soon a hand was pushing his head further up until his lips made contact with the bulge still covered up by a lacy thong. Moaning as he began kissing the fabric and feeling the now wet spot near the top, Ranmaru pulled down the underwear keeping him from his lover’s member and began licking up it.

"Ha… Ran-Ran…"


Sucking on the tip, the rocker barely noticed himself palming his own erection in time with Reiji’s moans, he hated how lustful the elder idol could make him with just a soft moan of his name but also loved the spark it sent down his spine. Feeling the hand pushing on his head tremble, he was about to question it until he felt Reiji bend his body over him panting much fast than before, could he really get so excited being sucked off?

"Ran-Ran… Close… You look so cute in a skirt…"

Taking Reiji even deeper into his mouth, of course Reiji had a dress fetish, so this was why he was so excited… Stoking himself faster he felt a weak trembing hand lightly touch his member and jolted at the contact, causing him to gag on Reiji’s length.

"Ah!… Ha… Again…"

Following orders he did it again and he felt Reiji’s hand on him stroke faster in response and heard him cry out again. Soon enough after a few more sucks he tasted Reiji’s release in his mouth accompanied by a loud moan of pleasure. Gulping it down it was enough to make himself cum into Reiji’s hand before the clown fell backwards onto the bed trying to catch his breath.

"In the kitchen…"


"Your clothes…"

Oh yes… That was the reason he gave Reiji a blowjob, he almost forgot in the moment. Standing up slightly reluctantly he began walking to the bedroom door before hearing their bed creak… Turning back he froze where he stood as we watched Reiji licking his hand clean while locking eyes with him.

"You don’t have to get them right away, do you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2014 ⏰

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