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Sat on the floor in the living room hunched over work papers spread around and lap top opened, he lost track of how long he’d been sitting there now. He had a lot of deadlines coming up and stuff was piling up and when he got in the mode or was set on doing something he usually worked nonstop. He’d taken a break earlier to eat dinner but resumed shortly after to his set place for past few nights. Reiji had turned in hours ago after some failed pleading for him to join but eventually gave in with a promise he wouldn’t be much longer. Head starting to drop and eyes not focusing much anymore but there really wasn't much left or so he kept telling himself. Reaching for a water bottle he had with him he twisted it open and took a drink before propping his face onto his hand and going back to what he was doing. Picking up the bass that was sat next to him he quietly ran his fingers over the strings seeing how things were sounding so far trying to stay quiet as possible.


Apparently he wasn't quiet enough, or there was a good chance the brunet just woke up on his own as often happened and noticed he wasn’t there yet.

"Hell, I’m almost done, might as well let me finish now." Jotting down something he took note of he felt arms wrap around his neck and the bass propped under his arms being slid away. "Hey, stop.." About to continue arguing he didn't get far before being interrupted.

"Ranran it’s two in the morning, you promised not much longer, you've been out here since you got in almost and you've been like this the last few days." The bass was removed and he watched as it was set down in it’s case and as Reiji turned around, brown eyes locked onto his own. "That’s enough."

The worried tone in the brunet’s voice and the matching expression he wore was enough to catch his attention. Hesitating looking at the screen he let out a long sigh as his arm was tugged gently being pulled off the ground. “Eh, fine fine…Only because I might be a little tired though.” He’d never admit to giving in because there was genuine concern for him being shown but Reiji knew him well enough to know this. Standing up or being pulled up rather he bent down to shut the lid on the lap top and grabbed the bottle of water and went along with being pulled to the bed.

Climbing in and pulling the sheets up he felt arms and legs lock around him almost as a way of knowing if he tried to get up again. The comforting feeling of Reiji’s face snug up to the back of his neck as he felt a light kiss placed on it sending a slight shiver down him. Reaching a hand down he grabbed one of Reiji’s hands thrown over him and laced their fingers as his mouth curved into a small smile falling asleep. Again something he’d never admit but it was always nice having someone there to tell him to stop when it was time because it was something he needed and it added more comfort in his life than what Reiji already brought him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2014 ⏰

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