Chapter One

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"Sherlock Holmes is determined to be miserable. I could tell almost as soon as he walked into my classroom." Dr. Watson stated as his colleague paced the room.
"Ah yes," Mycroft rolled his eyes, "My little brother does have the tendency to sulk when he's been beaten."
"Beaten?" Dr. Watson glanced up.
"Yes." He took the chair opposite of the doctor, "Two years ago I told him not to attend that terrible Bridgeford college, but he was determined to spite me. 'It's much better than Widdleton, Mycroft. Any idiot can attend there.'" He mocked Sherlock in a whiny voice.
"Really?" Dr. Watson asked; surprised, "but Widdleton is one of the top universities in Europe."
"Yes, yes." Mycroft sighed, "However, it seemed that that small fact meant nothing against the inconvenience of living near his dear brother."
"So what happened to change his mind?"
Mycroft stood up again, "Let's just say that all of the 'idiots' that were supposed to attend Widdleton decided to go to Bridgeford instead." He picked up a muffin off the table in the corner of the spacious room, "He's much better off here anyways." He took a bite and picked up a small cup of steaming hot tea. Making his way across the room, he took the seat directly across from Dr. Watson, "Doctor, the reason I asked you hear this evening was-" a sharp knock came from the door, "Ah," Mycroft set down his tea, "there he is now."

The door opened and there stood Sherlock, suitcase in hand. His dark, curly hair contrasted dramatically with his pale, smooth skin and his dark eyes darted around the room, taking it all in. He slowly walked in, closing the door behind him, and stood in the middle of the walkway as he glared at his brother, "Well?" He asked expectantly.

"Hello Sherlock." Mycroft offered, "How was your first day at Widdleton?" Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"You have what we agreed on, yes?" Sherlock ignored his brother's seemingly polite inquiries.

Mycroft sighed and looked at Dr. Watson who looked mildly confused. "Yes." He stood and the doctor did as well, "Sherlock, this is Dr. John Watson, your new roommate." He said the last three words very quickly, as if to get them over with.

There was a brief moment of silence before both Sherlock and Dr. Watson erupted. Sherlock yelled an incredulous "Him?!?" and Dr. Watson shouted with dismay  "Roommate?!?"

"Yes, yes, Dr. Watson." He ignored Sherlock, "Roommate. My brother refuses to stay with another student so as a compromise, he will be staying with you."

"Why me?" John Watson's face was an angry shade of red, "He's your brother!"

"And I'm your employer." Mycroft sang.

"But-but," John stuttered, "How can that be even remotely proper? I can't stay with - live with one of my students! What will people say? I could get-"

"Fired?" Mycroft smirked, "Again, I am your employer, and I assure you; you won't be fired. Not for this anyway. However," his eyes glanced over the doctor's seething demeanor, "do not put it past me to do so if you do not abide by my terms, Dr. Watson."

Sherlock finally stepped in, "What about me, Mycroft? Do I get a say in this?" He said his brother's name as if it had an extremely foul taste.

"A say?" Mycroft asked, eyebrows raised, "We agreed on a compromise and here is my end. There is nothing to say."

"I can't live with...that." He said through his teeth, "He's a slob! Look at his shoes!"

"You'll be right at home, then!" Mycroft retorted.

Dr. Watson was beginning to feel quite offended despite himself, "I am, by no means, a 'slob'." He said defensively. Both Sherlock and Mycroft turned to face him.

"Yes you are." Sherlock said in a matter of fact voice, "but," he glared back up at his brother, "I suppose we will just have to make do."

A/N: This first chapter is pretty short. Sorry.

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