The start

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Jay's POV
Today marks the 4th year that Beyonce has been kidnapped and it's been really hard taking care of Blue and staying up all night thinking about Beyonce. God I miss her soo much. I miss holding her in my arms at night, laughing with her, family game nights, and we just got done with her new self titled album "BEYONCE"and was about to release it a week before she went missing. Here's the story, 4 years ago, me, Bey, and Blue went to go to a park that's a few blocks down from where we live. There's a playground and then a woods area in the background and we decided to go inside there. We were playing in the leaves running around playing tag. We decided to head back out of the woods. I got out first then Blue and I thought Bey had Blue until Blue walked out alone and before I asked where Bey was, we heard her scream. I went back into there holding Blue who was surprisingly calm. I screamed her name a bunch of times and looked all over . No response. Ever since then, I haven't given up looking for her but some nights I take a break. I cry every night and feel so alone without her. I go back to those woods almost everyday. Her phone was no where to be found that night too. I always check our texts just in case she texted from anywhere. I've tried calling and texting millions of times. No answers....until something strange happened this morning....

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