Shooting Star

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{Please read description before reading, and please wait to play the video. thank you.}

《First person view》

I pause the video I'm watching on on phone and check the time. The numbers at the top of the screen glow, showing it is now 1 am. I roll my eyes and sigh, accepting the fact that I won't be able to sleep any time soon. I decide to lock my phone and set it down on my desk.

"Damn..." I think to myself, in the silence of my room. "I have to wake up for school in 4 hours... I'm going to be so exhausted tomorrow... Or, today?"

I tap my fingers on my desk next to my phone. I'm just getting off my two week winter break and I managed to mess up my sleeping schedule more that I hoped I would. I blame that new years party I went to.

I try to think, but I can't focus through the stale air clouding my room.

"Maybe I just need some fresh air. I'm sure that will help." I think as I stand up and walk over to the jackets hanging on the end of my bed. I grab the one that would keep me most warm, and throw it on. "I'm sure I'll be fine with my jeans, and these socks are pretty thick." I head for my bedroom door, peaking through the small opening that already existed.

All the lights in the house seam to be off. Everyone must be asleep. I open my door, tip toeing into the hallways and down through the kitchen. I get to the back door and stare out for a moment. There's a full moon tonight, meaning it's quite bright, and quiet beautiful out if you think about it.

{Play video on low volume for extra ambiance}

I open the back door and I'm greeted by a gental winter wind, and the cool, crisp night air. I take a deep breath. I never get tired of that feeling. Taking a deep breath of fresh air after sitting inside a stuffy room. I go outside during the night when I can't sleep very often. The first breath is always my favorite.

I take a step outside into the screened in pool area. I may have the air I wanted, but it's not enough to sit on a concrete patio when I could be laying in the grass. So, after turning around only to close the door as gentle and quiet as possible, I begin to make my way to the screen door. I reach for the handle, and open it slowly.

I didn't think it was possible, but the air that rushed past felt even more fresh and open. I take another deep breath, before stepping out. As my foot met with the soft grass beyond the door, I couldn't help but smile. I'll never get tired of this feeling. I step out into the night, letting the door close behind me. I walk into the open grass area beyond the screen. Each step is greeted by a soft green cushion.

I take in my surroundings for a moment. The canal, separating our bakyards from the ones on the other side. The few scattered trees in backyards on my side of the canal, and the line of them on the other. The houses. Their initiriors dark and dim, but the extirior bathing in the moonlight.

Everything bathed in moonight. The houses, the trees, the canal, even the grass. I sit down in the middle of the grassy expansion, about 3 feet away from the edge of the canal. I take a few more moments to take in my surroundings. However, as beautiful as the Earth looks while covered in moonlight, this wasn't the real beauty I came out here to see.

I lean back, laying down in the grassy bed. I watch the world dissapear from beneath me, and I'm transported into the sky. I'd think I was in space if I couldn't see the tops of trees outlining my view. You had to be there to truly appreciate the night sky's true beauty.

I let my eyes slowly wander from star to star, searching for consolations. After spotting the big dipper and (O'ryans) belt, I begin to wonder. Does anyone stargaze anymore? I mean, actually take the time to look at the stars. Everyone knows what they look like. They're little white dots in the sky. Why bother to check, right?. They couldn't be more wrong. Starts are so much more than "dots".

I can't put it to words, exactly. I've tried many times before but I could never find that perfect string of words that could describe something as beautiful as this. It's calm and peaceful. It's elegant and beautiful. It's a way to escape Earth.

While I contenplate a way to discribe the view, I see a pare of stars, matching in brightness.

"I wonder if that's anything." I think to myself. "It reminds me of... eyes." I tilt my head to the side slightly, so the star-eyes line up evenly with my own. It takes a minute before I look away. Instead, I turn my attention to a small, fadded cluster of stars attempting to find a shape.

Just above the cluster, there's a sudden steak of light. It doesn't last long but I see it.

"Was that..." I say quietly aloud, trailing off as I process what I just saw.

"A Shooting Star..." I conclude, staring just above the cluster as if waiting for it to reapear. I laugh quietly. "I never see Shooting Stars..."

A smile spreads across my face as I continue to look at that one spot. A shiver runs down my spine as the cold catches up with me. I ignore it completely, not taking my eyes of that spot.

A let out a visibal breath. I can feel everyone sleeping peacefully while I lay here awake. That's not to say it isn't peaceful. What I feel right now can only be described as peace. I could have stayed there forever.

A smile spreads across my face.

"Make a wish..."

"On the Shooting Star"

Shooting Star [remake of 'A Wish']Where stories live. Discover now