Atlantis rises

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"Shut up or I'll beat you with my peace prize!"






"Damn tomato eating bastard!"

"So juvenile aru."

"Everybody is so roud."


"Look at all of them argue, it makes me want to break all of their stupid faces~"


"Who are you?"

"I'm Canada."

"Whatever, you guys are like totally lame asses."


The door to the world conference room flew off its hinges with a deafening crack. The countries spun around to face the door in shock. The room was dead quiet as the intruder walked confidently towards the table.

She wore a white wrap around her chest, a mid calf length watery blue skirt with open sides, and she carried what looked like a trident. Her white hair had a blueish tinge in the light and seemed as if it were somewhat submerged in water as it floated lightly. Her fiery sea blue eyes blazed like an oceanic storm.

She looked at the countries with a touch of awe, till her eyes rested upon Greece. Her oceanic eyes filled with rage as she stared. She leapt onto the table, waking Greece, and held him at trident point.

"Brother," she spoke,"why have you forsaken our gods?! Why have you forgotten me!" She did her best to hold back her tears. She practiced this over and over, but seeing him, all she wanted to do was hold him.

She did her best to remain stern.

"Hm?" Greece mumbled, still not fully awake.

"Brother, why have you forgotten me?" She spoke quieter this time.

Greece stared down at the trident held against his throat, he was confused and shocked that someone actually had a freaking trident at the world conference in the first place. Then, he followed the rod of the trident, slowing bringing his emerald eyes up the body of the person holding it. His eyes rested upon her face framed with silky white/blue hair that fell down to her waist. Her bangs were swept to the right with a hardly noticeable curl sticking out a bit.

Realization slowly set in as his usually mellow aura shifted as he suddenly stood up.

"It can't be.......but....but you...."

She lowered the trident slowly, still trying to hold in her tears.

"Atlantis? Is it really you?" He whimpered.

She bit her lip.

Tears began to streak down his cheeks as he stared at her.

The entire room just stared in confusion and some countries looked on in shock.


"I thought it sunk into the sea?"

"I thought it was just a myth dudes!"

"What's Atlantis?"

Greece stood before her, tears streaming down his cheeks.

" forgot about me..." She sniffled unable to hold her tears any longer.

In a rush Greece practically tackled her into his arms, sobbing on her shoulder.

"I thought you were dead." He cried.

She hesitated before wrapping her arms around him as well.

"You never looked. You let people forget about me..... like I was a myth. You turned away from our Gods...." Atlantis clenched her fists remembering her rage, yet much softer than her earlier anger.

She pulled away, but Greece held her arms and never looked away. His usual plain and peaceful aura was now fully alert and elated.

"How did you survive the storm?" He questioned confusedly.

"I had my people pray to Poseidon for mercy, he favored me as his own child, and saved my people. He granted our lungs breath under his seas, and a home on the ocean floor. He gave me his old trident to protect my people from any detection. You know of the Bermuda Triangle, yes? That is my new land, the place of my peoples home. The triangle, is Atlantis."

So uh, let me know if you want more I guess~~~~~~~~~ idk, it'll take a while to make newer chapters, I have others stories I'm working on too. So please be patient ~!♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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