No Homo

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So basically, my best friend is a bit of a douche bag. Okay more than just a bit. He's a complete asshole, but I don't have to tell him that. He's got Eren for that. Why am I friends with him then? Well, for every cliche as hell friendship, there is a cliche happening. I have a small, very insignificant crush on him.

Yeah I don't buy that either. The worst part about that is, every single time he even bumps against me, he immediately says 'no homo' and I'm just like? Yes I'm totally going to think you're gay for me because you got pushed into me by Jaeger. Honestly, how dense can a guy be? I understand the struggle of girls because guys are just so freaking dumb sometimes.

The only thing I don't get, is that he doesn't ever say that when he's being friendly with say, Reiner or Connie. He can hug them and high five them without an issue and its like I'm some kind of gay radiator. Yeah, I'm straight as a circle, but he doesn't know that. Or maybe he does and that's why he says it?

Well, Marco, that would be the dumbest thing he could do because Eren is gay, Reiner is gay, Armin is probably gay, so why would it make a difference? Of course when I think about all of the rumors that used to go around about how Jean was gay because of how much time we spent together in junior high. We were attached at the hip basically, and that was mostly because he was new and he was very shy. As he matured, he became a lot more outspoken sadly.

I was happy that he had opened up, don't get me wrong, but I missed him. I missed him calling me at three in the morning just to tell me about some show he found. I missed leaving my window unlocked because he would sneak out of his house and into my room when his parents would start fighting. I missed having a best friend. Now all I have is a guy that I have strong feelings for but all he does is fight with Eren and say 'no homo!' all the time. Speaking of that.

"No homo man, no homo." he said as he sat down beside me and accidentally bumped shoulders with me. I just looked at him and rolled my eyes before going back to my book. "What? I'm straight and you know it."

"Yes, Jean, the whole school knows it because every time you so much as even look at me, you shout your famous words. No homo! No homo!" I said with an exasperated sigh. Basically everyone at the table looked at me with pity. They knew how much I cared for him even though he was the biggest asshole in the entire school. Eren and Reiner just stared at me with their faces morphed into apologetic ones.

I didn't like them staring at me, so I closed my book, stood up, and walked away from the table. I knew no one would follow me because none of them would care enough to wonder what was wrong. Nothing ever bothered me, or at least that's what it seemed like. I actually had a lot of stuff on my mind. Honestly I wondered why Jean actually did say that all the time.

Sure, he said in the beginning that he did it so that people would stop calling him gay, but people have stopped. So why would he keep yelling it? Was he really trying to hide something rather than tell people otherwise? But who was I kidding, Jean had never been gay. I didn't want him to be straight up gay, that was impossible anyway, but it would be nice if I could express my feelings to him and him not get grossed out.

I hated when I started thinking about that though, because it depressed me. I was a selfish person when I thought about it, so why should he ever like me? He shouldn't because he deserves better. Everyone knew that he was a good person deep down. I didn't like dwelling on this stuff because when I got too depressed people could see it. I didn't want people to start asking what was wrong with me, if anyone cared enough to notice that is. I went to the bathroom to clear my head. Splashing cold water on my face would do the trick for the time being until I could get home.

I turned the faucet on and let it run for a few seconds before leaning over the sink and splashing the water over my face. I did that a couple of times before turning the water off and standing straight up to look in the mirror, but when I did I seen Jean standing behind me with a concerned look on his face. I quickly composed myself.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked before I could even put up a smile. It kind of caught me frozen. I didn't know what to say because it wasn't like I could tell him the truth and he knew when I was lying. I just shook my head and grabbed a paper towel to dry my face off. Jean didn't buy it and I soon found myself being pulled into a tight embrace that made my heart flutter. "I don't know what's bothering you, but I want you to know that I'm here for you no matter what." he said softly.

"Thanks, Jean. But I'll be alright. I promise." I told him as I hugged back, savoring the feeling of this very rare moment. "Jean I swear to god if you say no homo, I'm going to make you wish no homo." I said sternly. I felt him stiffen.

"So, homo?" he asked quietly.

"All the homo pal, all the homo." I said bravely. He chuckled a bit and it was a beautiful sound. "Rage the fucking homo." I added once more and he snorted.

"Would you like to be homo with me? Just you and I?" Jean asked lightly, but I could tell he was biting his lip in anticipation. I pulled back from the hug and he wouldn't look at me, letting me know that he was nervous.

"Always. Only for you though." I said and he exhaled deeply like he had just come up from being submerged in water.

"Thank god. It was so hard to say no homo all the time around you. In my head I was like 'no, all the homo' but I thought that would be weird." he chuckled nervously and I just shook my head.

"You gotta take me on a date sometime mister."


Trash. This is pure trash oml im so sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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