Chapter 1

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It was like any other day at Gotham PD headquarters. Commissioner Gordon sat at his desk, filing some papers, officers occasionally walked in and out of his office, giving him more work to do. His desk was a mess; files and papers were cluttered everywhere, he could hardly tell which ones were signed and which ones weren't.

"So many damn papers to file.." The Commissioner thought to himself.

He was tired from the long day of work. He wore his long brown coat, his mustache was untrimmed, with a cigar hanging from his mouth. The day had been dreadful and boring. Gordon wished to himself every day that something exciting would happen again like it used to. Gordon picked up a picture frame on his desk. It was himself, standing next to a younger Bruce Wayne, at the opening of the new GCPD Headquarters, the very building he was sitting in. The building was massive, with a large entrance hall and lobby, complete with a large armoury and hallways after hallways of offices. It was a new pristine building when it first opened, but now it was worn, and used. Gordon sighed for the last time and continued working.

Suddenly, a loud explosion rang out through the air, the impact of the shockwave knocked Gordon from his chair. A loud ringing echoed in his ears. Dust flew through the air, and he could hear gunshots. The commissioner stood up, and leaned against a wall. He opened his desk drawer and hurriedly grabbed his pistol. He opened his door slightly and looked down the hallway, still leaning on a wall. Ringing from the blast still rang in his ears, mixed with gunshot after gunshot. Gordon slowly moved down the hallway, it was filled with dust and debris, but he saw no officers anywhere. They must have all been in the entrance hall: probably the source of the gunshots that continue to ring. Gordon reached the entrance hall and hid behind a wall. He peaked around the corner, and saw several officers taking cover behind debris on the far side of the room, shooting at whoever had caused the explosion. Gordon looked the the doorway, only to see that there was no doorway left. The entire front of the building was gone, only two men stood at what was left of the wall. A tall slim figure holding a shotgun was giggling and glancing around the room.

"Where is everybody? Please don't hide.. "

The mysterious figure said with a hint of charm, then fired a few shells into the far wall in the direction of the hiding officers.

"Come out, Gordon.." The other man squawked.

He wore what looked to be all black clothes and a top hat. The man raised a large stick that looked to be an umbrella of sorts into the air, and clicking it, sending the umbrella to pop out, and a small ball to fire out. It hit the far wall the the other figure had just shot at, and caused a massive explosion. Gordon watched as more of the building fell apart, and the hiding officers yelled out on terror or dove out of hiding to escape the blast. One officer fired his rifle at the figures, but the shots only bounced off the large umbrella. The two figures finally walked into the sunlight, and Gordon had a clear view of them.

"There you are.." the first man cackled, and began firing shotgun shells in their direction.

The first had long legs and a purple suit, complete with green, slicked, but messy hair. The other man was indeed wearing a suit, and had a single monocle covering one eye. He held a bright yellow umbrella-like weapon, easily the cause of the first explosion.

" Where.. Is Gordon..?" The second man figure in the suit asked in a crisp, accented voice.

The commissioner froze in fear, then regained his senses and ran back down the hallway, away from the men. He ran as he heard gunshots behind him and footsteps, but he kept running, until he reached his office. The commissioner ducked behind his desk, and held his gun above him. The footsteps grew closer from the hall, then stopped. He could a face through the dust that now coated the window looking into the hall. The face leaned onto the window, a wide grin pressing against the glass. The commissioner waited for the face to leave after seeing that his office was empty, but the hallway window shattered to pieces as a gloved fist broke through. A pair of legs stepped over the shattered window, followed by a body. The Joker flipped over his desk and looked down upon the cowering commissioner, and chuckled.

"There you are.. You've got to be having a bad day at work.." He raised the shotgun to Gordon's head.

5 Days Earlier......

Bruce Wayne sat at his dining room table, awaiting Alfred with his food. Alfred walked in from the kitchen.

"What is it today, Alfred?" Bruce asked him

"Well, we're out of your favorite, so I had to drive down to the store and get you something." Alfred replied, setting a tray of salmon in front of Bruce.

"Wow, you don't find salmon this fresh in Gotham anymore. Where'd you get it?"

"There happened to be a fisherman coming through the city and was selling his fish. It seems like that was the last time anyone in the city will ever eat fresh fish ever since the pollution." Alfred replied grimly. "Now, Master bruce, you should get eating." Alfred sat down near the fireplace.

Bruce sat and ate while Alfred looking into the fireplace.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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