Chap 1.

37 1 3

"So what are your thoughts on marriage?" Christian asks me as I walk into the office building.

I sigh, It's so early in the morning! I don't have time for ridiculous questions such as these.

I huff and kick him lightly making him chuckle and walk away leaving me in my thoughts. I sigh again... I hate work!

I make my way up to my million dollar office and take a seat. I set down my coffee cup(which in reality is filled with delicious chocolate milk) and prepare myself to call my secretary Kat. I know that a storm is about to come so I take a deep breath and call her.

"Mr. Janey?" She asks and pauses... Get ready. 1 2 3 and...

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! I TOLD YOU THAT WE CANNOT HAVE YOU MISS THIS WEEKEND! BLAH BLAH BLAH," Kat drones on and on about how this weekend was important for the sales of this company and what not. Why should I care?

"Why should you care?" Kat asks in a deathly calm voice. Did I say that out loud? Whoops. I can almost feel the anger radiating from her in waves from the phone. She takes a moment to calm down then speaks again.

"You should care because you are the boss of this company. Now... why were you not here this weekend?" She asks quietly as if she were about to explode.

The mention of the weekend brings a smile to my face. My excuse is one of legendary proportion. It has to work, it has worked every single time that I have said it. "I was busy," I reply, my smile bigger then it was. There is another silence before she speaks.

"You have said that FOR EVERY TIME YOU ARE NOT HERE! I KNOW YOU WERE LYING! WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?" She shrieks. My smile instantly drops off of my face. It didn't work! How could it not have worked?! I try to find the answer but then I realize the question that she asked. I'm going to have to tell her what I was really doing. Ok Sakurai Ok You can do it. Just spit out the words and...

"I was having a Bubble Guppies marathon." Kat stops speaking and a hopeful smile lights up my features. Could it really be? Someone else likes my favorite show!? I have so many things that I want to ask her. Like who is your favorite character? What area of the school do you like best?

My smile dims when I realize something. She doesn't want to admit it. I can't let this opportunity go to waste!

"It's okay to admi-" Kat cuts me off. "Where are the papers that I gave you on Friday?" Huh, what papers? I think completely forgetting my previous thoughts. Kat must have sensed my confusion because she added to her sentence.

"The one you drew little dinosaurs on," My smile is once again renewed when I remember my masterpiece.

"What happened to them?" Kat repeats making me frown for the millionth time that day.

"They fell down the sewer... why?" I ask. Why would she want to know where some papers went?

"How- why did that happen?" Kat asks incredulously.

"Well, I was walking home in the rain. Cause' I like rain." I stop to recall that fond memory. "I tripped on a Mcdonalds wrapper and there just so happened to be a sewer by where they fell. When I actually noticed what had happened I fell in the mud and cried. THOSE WERE THE BEST DINOSAURS THAT I HAD EVER DRAWN... THE BEST KAT. THE BEST." I stopped for a moment to calm myself. I was still pretty sad about that day. "I pulled myself together after a couple minutes and swore that I would draw the best dinosaurs in the world... to honor them and let them rest in peace you know?" I stopped my story and looked expectantly at the phone.

"Yahh.. I kind of have to tell you something." She starts. I get excited because it can only be good news right?


"I quit." Kat says quickly then hangs up. I sit there dumbfounded before I put my head down.

That had been the fifth one that month.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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