Rules/Payment/Receiving your Cover.

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Hello there!! Thank you so much for checking this out. As you can probably guess from the chapter title here, this is where I tell you about stuff.

So if your interested, then keep your eyes open.


1. Please no fowl language, and no being mean to anyone whatsoever!
2. If the cover I make you is not to your satisfaction, then Tell me! I'll do my best to fix it.
3. Must complete the payment before receiving your Cover.
4. Add this book to your library. (Or else you wont know when your Cover is ready)


1. Tag three people (you are allowed to tag more if you want) in the tag Page.
2. A permanent Follow (Unless you already are lol.)
3. Must give me credit for making the cover. (Put it in your story, or the description.)


There's three ways to go about this-
1. Take a snapshot of the cover.
2. Save it from the media.
3. Get it emailed to you.

     So when your Cover is ready, I'll be posting a page with it on it. 👍🏻

If you have any questions feel free to ask!

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