The Vixen's Crown: Prologue

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 I always dreamed of becoming a full mortal, but of course i am a kitsune. My father the king is giving me twenty years in the mortal world before i become queen of my land. I hate it. I must spend so many years there with no companionship. The queen, my mother purchased a castle there for me so i would get used to running my own household and my employees.

 My brother has to remain in our domain until my two decades pass, lucky bastard! I have dreamed of such things since i was nothing but a young pup nestling close to my mothers belly. When i reached the age of six-and-ten my mother told me i was to go to the realm of humans. I was overjoyed. And now that i reached the age of two-and-twenty i must depart from my birth realm. There is many more i could tell you but for you to find out you must proceed with my story. Safe travel and fare thee well young readers.

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