Their Commanding Queen

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It had been six months since Peter decided to stay in Narnia and live with Anya in Archenland, he had been formally crowned as king beside Anya and the pair married in a traditional Archenlandian ceremony soon after. Although Peter was crowned king of Archenland beside Anya, he knew that she was in complete control over the country and being the commander was ranked higher than a king or queen, he was told that within the first few days of arriving in Archenland. He didn't mind it, though; he knew his wife was perfectly capable of leading her country without his help. He didn't want to interfere with her affairs, knowing that she knew what was best for her country far better than he did.

Anya was in a meeting with the ambassadors of Calormen, who were trying to persuade her to sign an agreement of peace between the two neighbouring countries, effectively becoming allies with Calormen. Anya – of course – was refusing, knowing full well that her alliance with Narnia would easily be destroyed once the alliance with Calormen was announced.

"Heda Onya kom Skaikru-" (Commander Anya of the Sky People) Ailemer – the ambassador of Calormen – spoke up, taking a step towards Anya as he did.

"Anya, what are they saying?" Peter whispered, leaning into his wife's ear to make sure only she could hear him.

"Gustus, beja." (Please.) Anya nodded towards Gustus who took a step forward to stand beside Peter and began muttering in his ear, translating the Aadmari into English for him. Anya looked back towards Ailemer, giving him a single nod. "Beja kyon." (Please continue.)

Ailemer cleared his throat before beginning again, giving a slight glare towards Peter before looking back towards Anya. "Heda Onya kom Skaikru en Arkulan, Brocas kom Sankru don konge yu krom gid em op-" (Commander Anya of the Sky People and Archenland, Brocas of the Desert People wishes to celebrate—)

Anya rolled her eyes as she listened to Ailemer's speech, her hand rising up to signal for him to stop. She stood up from her throne, her eyes narrowing at the ambassador. "Ai don nou Sen disha nodotaim, beja bants." (I will not hear this again, please leave.) Nodding his head, Ailemer began to pack up and leave but just as Ailemer was about to leave, Anya pulled him to one side. "Tel op em ai don biyo nou an krom nowe do disha nodotaim." (Tell him I said no and to never do this again.) She whispered into his ear before releasing him from her grasp, and watched him leave the room with the treaty in his hands, causing her to smirk a little to herself.

Afterwards, Anya retired to her chambers to take her mind off everything. Lying in bed next to Peter, the pair's hands laced together, content with silence until Peter spoke up. "Why do they say you're from the skies instead of being from Aslan's Country?"

Anya took a while to answer, moving in closer to her husband as she stared up at the ceiling before looking back at him. "When I came to Narnia after being thrown out of home for killing my mother, I came down from the skies as a fallen star and the commander thought it was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen and demanded I was brought to him as a gift, and well you know how that happened after that."


When Anya awoke the next morning, the bed beside her was cold and empty. She didn't worry for too long, however, since she found a note from Peter saying that he went out for an early morning ride to ease the tension between him and some of the guards.

After dressing, Anya walked out of her room and towards the courtyard to wait for Peter to return. Instead of seeing her husband, Anya saw three of his guards sprinting towards the court, the fear in their eyes clear to her – even from far away.

Running towards the guard, she grabbed onto his collar to immediately ask him questions. "Where's Peter? What the hell happened?"

The guard was completely out of breath, and took several moments to catch his breath before answering his queen. "We were attacked, Heda. We barely made it out-"

Their Commanding Queen × Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now