the captured

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Ah I screamed. It's okay honey were just trying to help you! Stay here you will be safe. I called my mom I've been captured by the bad boys from high school. Honey are you going to be OK. I think and that's when it hit me. oh shit I'm post to be home for the dance! Mom I screamed down the street! Holy shit Im starting my period! 😈 That's what I feel like now but worse. So I fucking ran out kicked them in the dick! And skirted into the house plz don't fuck me!

Bad boys p.o.v holy shit you girls can kick dame that shit hurts. Why don't you come with us were just trying to FUCK YOU HARD breathing hard get her boys.

Lizzy's P.O.V.
Fuck yes will kick you so hard you will cry. Especially on our periods so fuck off. HOLY SHIT your going to try to touch me fuck off! Bitch let me go! So it went on for about a hour finally I kicked him!

Bad Boys P.O.V.
So the bitch kicked me I yanked her up and grabbed at her a little bit. And she  screamed and I said hush! Bitch before you get hurt! She ran an and I chased her come back. I grabbed her and put her on the ground.I quickly ran back stripped her down. Bitch suck my dick me and him grasped for air finding non

Holy shit I could not breath! I walked down the street and ran from them! But I suddenly fell and payed there not being able to breath!
                                        THE END

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