Gummie Bear 🐻

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It all started during school. Well, on the first day of school, I was kinda excited because it was my first time of High School. I had all my classes, everything was boring as usual. I thought I was going to met new people to. I kinda did but there not really friends, I just talked to them once. But anyways, I used to like this guy. I liked him for a month, I never talked to him. But then I started thinking I did not like him. I don't know him, I never talked to him. That is not liking someone. But as weeks went on, I had someone in my mind. I haven't told anyone. This was first term at school by the way. But I always seen this guy walking in the halls. It was always after 2nd period. I was with my friend, and I always wanted him to say something to that one person, that I always seen walking after 2nd period. I was shy, but I wanted his attention. But my friend never done it. But there was just something about him though. It made me wanna know him. But, first term was past. Here comes 2nd term. We had to stay in our advisory class for half of the day though. But we had to go to our new classes starting 4th period. So, it was after lunch and 4th period was almost coming. I didn't want to go 4th period because I had Mrs Alred. I had Mrs Alred before, she always got on my nerves. So, here I am walking to 4th period. I walked in the room and damn there he was. My eyes literally got big. But I sat in the same row as him, he was at the end but I was at the other end. But, this made me want to go to 4th period more often, I was excited now to go. Couple days later Mrs Alred moved us into signed seats. He was sitting the row in front of me, little over to the right. I was close though. I was even more excited. Then the whole class started talking you know, and I remember what he was talking about. I know it sounds werid but it was my first word saying something to him so of course I still know what he was talking about since then. But he was talking about gummie bears. He was naming off the kinds he liked. And when he said cool-aid gummie bears, my first was "cool-aid!" But for real, I remembered it. And then I forgot what I said after that but that was my first word to him. But when I got home, I looked him up on facebook and I seen him and so I added him of course. I wanted to know him. Then I went on instagram, it showed people that I had mutual friends with. So I scrolled through them and I seen him and so I followed him and then minutes later he followed back and that gave me a smile on my face! I seen his snapchat on there but I didn't want to seem like I was a stalker, because I'm not. So I didn't add him on there yet. But after all that we started talking at school. A day later, then I added him on snapchat! We started talking on there. And then he started sitting with us at breakfast. Him sitting with us at breakfast makes my day. That's the only reason why I come to breakfast is because to see him in the mornings. But anyways, I got to know him. He was funny, sweet, caring, and also good looking of course. He seemed special. I knew that there was something about him that made me want to know him. And when I did, he just seemed so special. I liked him. I liked him a lot. A whole lot. Then a few weeks later I said I liked someone. He didn't know who it was. Which was him by the way. But he didn't know. So I made him guess for about a week. I gave him hints. I said it started with a G and his last name ended with a R. But he didn't know I was using his nickname I gave him. Gummie Bear. I made it a little harder to find out. And then a week later I showed him a pic of a list of names on my snapchat. I told him to look at the names and you'll see who I like. And so he finally guessed it right! I smiled but my face was red where I was shy. But I did like him a lot. I told him what I liked about him. And weeks later I asked did he liked anyone he said yeah and then I said who and then he said can't say. And couple days later I said, who is the person you like, I want to see how she looks like. And then that's he when he said " then look in a mirror." That really made my day. I had a smile on my face for days. Cuz I never had someone that liked me. It made me feel like I was worth something. Cuz I was always feeling worthless and like a waste of time. But that made my day. We talked for about 2 months I guess and it feels like I'm comfortable with him. What I mean by that, I feel like I can tell him anything. I always tell him what's wrong when something happens to me. I always tell him how I'm feeling at the moment. I even showed him a video of me singing. I mean, that means I'm really comfortable because I never showed anyone of me singing. But now, I'm just really glad that I met him. I really am. I have something to look forward at school. I hate school, but I like seeing him. I like sitting by him. I like looking at him. I like talking to him. Him being there makes my day. Sometimes, I have horrible days at home or at school. I feel like dieing. But when I talk to him, it makes me feel better. Even if its just a few little words. Talking to him makes my day. I even ignore everyone just to talk to him. Well I just talk to 2 people, ones my mom but yeah not the point. I love to hear him sing to. I saved the video because everytime I listen to it, it makes me smile. I even write sex stories, I don't say any names though but my sex stories, I usually think of him while writing it, but he doesn't know that! 😂 But yeah.
*Alex Hamilton*

Ps: Gummie Bear, it's a true story 😂

I always wanted to know you before I even met you.

You seemed special 😊

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