Ch 1. PL, P1

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AN : PL is prologue.

I straightened my jacket, then put the car into park. I opened the door and left the car, once I was out I closed the door. I fiddled with my charm bracelet, the one with the gold E. It was obvious I was nervous. I mean I was just meeting up with my brother that I haven't seen in 4 years, to take him home. I sighed and began to walk to the meeting place. Just around this corner, then halfway there, he should be there.....

But the thing is, he wasn't there. Instead a boy around my age was walking up. He stopped almost directly in front of me, I could see the confusion on his face, then he turned and looked across the street. We were at a park, so on the left there was a playground, on the right was a pond with a few ducks in it, behind us was a few other things. The boy pulled out his phone and sighed, texting something to someone. "Where is this guy..." I mumbled. I looked at the boy beside me, that isn't it? I mean I haven't seen him in like how will I know it's him? I face palmed, and sighed.

"Talk about stood up."


I looked at the boy who obviously was talking to me, I had no choice to respond, I didn't want to seem rude. "I came to pick up my brother, which note I haven't seen in 4 years." I suddenly blurted out. Since when did I put out my business to strangers? "Picking up my best friend." He replied.

"Best friends are cool."


Talk. About. Awkward. "I'm calling him." I said pulling out my phone. While I was dialing his numbers a duck had walked up to me and suddenly started attacking my foot. I screamed dropping my phone. The boy tried to shoo the duck but it turned to him and attacked him a little than came back to me. Another duck came and backed up, and more, and more, I had turned and suddenly, I fell into the pond. I screamed. "Ducks, suck!" I said splashing the water. The boy walked over and tried to help me up. "Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" I screamed. "I'm trying to help!" He replied. "I'll scream stranger danger!" I said. "You. Wouldn't." He said.

"I wouldn't?" I asked, smirking, then I screamed as loud as I could,


A few people looked over at us, with confused looks. The boy waved and sighed, "Thanks, you made a scene." He said rolling his eyes. "Your welcome!" I said standing. I slowly got out of the pond, I was drenched.



He took of his jacket and put it around me. "I may have some towels in my trunk, stay here." He said jogging off. Great, my brother doesn't show, I get attacked by ducks, and now I'm just standing here, drenched. It can get any worse then this. Suddenly the b-- Jack came back into view.

"Here's your towel."


AN : I know this was really short, the more updates he longer the chapters. Maybe next chapter I'll got for 1250 words. Or more. Bai!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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