Part 1- Jemma

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Before we start I'm not this age I'm actually 12 and also this is chapter is dans point of veiw :) enjoy!
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going. As i opened my eyes sunlight pored in through where the curtains did not cover. I realized the bed was slightly cold on the left side as i stretched my legs out, i guess Jemma was already up. As i moved over pushing the blanket so i had space to get up, i leaned over and placed my feet down feeling the carpet sink between my toes. No no no no *pitter patter pitter patter* "guys just stay there daddy's just woken up so i-" the pugs jumped right onto the pale white sheets and darted forwards jumping onto me and licking me, "guys,guys" i laughed as the slobber trickled down my chin "aww you little punks i can't stay mad at you" Ellie, Darcie and Peggy were all pulled in close to my chest as i snuggled them closely. "What do you mean your done!" I heard Jemma yelling from down stairs. Wait, Jem? As the carpet felt warmer i decided to see what was happening. My toes dragged along as i jogged down the stairs to meet Jem crying at the half open door. "Jem!? Whats wrong are you okay!?" I tugged at her hand so she would turn to look at me, instead she shut the door and gave me a tight hug. Sobbing she quietly whispered, "Dan i think my sister has done something really stupid, I really need to go, just to stay with her okay?" Of course keeping Jemma happy is my main priority so I said that was fine.
After an hour or so after the incident I was already editing a vlog I had filmed during the past few days. I felt like I was being watched and realised Jemma had to leave to help her sister as soon as possible. My chair was slightly turned and Jemma kissed me on the cheek "I will see you soon sir Daniel I love you" a smile was somehow painted on her face. I knew she was hurting, but I also knew she didn't want the worst of things to have happend. I smiled back, a real genuine smile reassuring her that it would be okay and then I replied saying "Jem you can help her your the sweetest most convincing person I know" my smile grew bigger as Jemma hit me on the arm (in a play fight way of course.) Jemma left the room and as I turned back around the door was shut and she was gone.
Sorry its not that long next chapter will be better I promise!
Hope you liked it so far!
Follow me on Instagram @hiplikedantdm for updates of when I will post :)

-Sorry its not that long next chapter will be better I promise!Hope you liked it so far!Follow me on Instagram @hiplikedantdm for updates of when I will post :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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