requests !

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hi guys! you've reached the request page, which shouldn't've been very hard, considering it's the first page in this book.


a few things about requests:
please do not ask me to write about my notps. those include clexa, rucas, stalia and dramione as the main ones. if you're unsure if i ship something or not, comment here to ask. no disrespect if you ship something that I don't ! please, no ship wars lol

fandoms include: teen wolf, supernatural, the 100, harry potter, shannara, the walking dead, star trek, girl meets world, stranger things, sherlock, fringe, supergirl, the vampire diaries, lost, bones, glitch, containment, once upon a time, gotham, the flash, ASOUE, 13rw, the originals, voltron, yuri on ice, SVTFOE, guardians of the galaxy, etc.

i didn't include many movies, but if you'd like to know if i've watched one & can write it for you, comment here, in addition, the same applies for books. comment here.

as for ships, i will gladly write these:
stydia, bellarke, destiel, spirk/spones/mckirk/mcspirk, rickyl, bethyl, riarkle, lucaya, scisaac, drarry, gallavich, scorbus, thiam, patrochilles, mileven, jancy, steroline, karamel, nymobblepot, johnlock, starco, bughead, jarchie, viktuuri, klance, matt x shiro + i can drabble about individuals (ex: pidge, klaus, edmund) or friendships (ex: pidge+keith, clarke+murphy, draco+pansy)

if your ship is not in this list, ask me about it here, as sometimes i dont include ships that are less well-known, but i will gladly write about it for you if i don't consider it a notp.

if you can't think of a request lmao literally send me a song + an otp (or person/brotp/etc),, it's all i need tbh

& that's it, folks!

leave requests here.


and please remember to leave a vote or comment if you enjoy !! (:

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