chapter 1

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~~~~~(Your P.O.V.)~~~~~

Uh howdy? My name is (Y/N) and I'm a shapeshifter with (H/L) (H/C) and with (E/C) also im 15 years old
And my life is just fucking hell I hate it no one loves me or cares for me except my little brother he's 9
Year's old but he's pretty smart for a nine year old anywho back to me. I was having a hard time sleeping
Because of my parents yelling and moaning it was disgusting I tried killing myself but I couldn't thanks to
Me being immortal so is my brother (B/N). Ah (B/N) the only one who's been nice to me in this cruel world
He's a shifter like me but can only transform into real animals while I can only transform into non real
Animals stupid me getting distracted. I cried myself to sleep like usual knowing I can't escape and be a peace that's All I want. Beep! Beep! Beep! I woke up and slammed my hand down on the alarm clock shutting it off I got up and took a shower then I got dressed (if your wondering how you got clothes then, you stole them from store's for you and your bro)

 Beep! Beep! Beep!  I woke up and slammed my hand down on the alarm clock shutting it off I got up and took a shower then I got dressed (if your wondering how you got clothes then, you stole them from store's for you and your bro)

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(That what your wearing) I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to make some breakfast mom and
Dad were still asleep so you made 4 plates of eggs, bacon, and toast. (yum😸) I put my and (B/N)'s plate
On the table as I was about to sit down (B/N) came down stairs rubbing he's blue eye while the yellow one
Looked at me with tiredness his short brown hair a little messy and his black tail with dark purple at
The end, swayed side-to-side while his black with dark purple at the end, laid back. He was wearing
A shirt you got for his birthday it was a black shirt with the word written in red that said 'darkness is my
Only friend' with a green unzipped jacket with fur on the hood, and last he wore beat up blue jeans.
He took a seat next to me and started eating I followed shortly after soon enough we finished and threw are
Plates in the sink. We walked outside and shut and lock the door behind us (B/N) made his cat ears and tail
Disappear we walked towards his school first we stopped at the front of the school and I said to (B/N)
"Be good, and don't forget don't transform okay?" He nodded "okay, I love you bro and don't ever forget that"
I hugged him and he hugged back I released the hug and said one thing before walking away "I hope you keep your promise (B/N)". I started heading to my school thinking of all the promise's people broke
The teacher's told me that they cared and there always be there for us but that's just a LIE they make here's
An example I was in the halls sitting in a corner drawing when some bitch's show up and punched, kicked,
And hit me I screamed for help but...... Nobody came they soon left me to bleed out the janitor found me
And brought me to the nurse she barely did anything and told me to leave. Before I knew it I was already at
The school gates I went inside school i saw some of the sports team kids glaring at me so did the average kids heck! Even the nerds and geaks were glaring at me! I kept walking glaring back at everyone soon
The school's three popular girls approached me. There leader sandy looked at me in disgust because of
What I'm wearing while April and Mandy were chatting about how ugly I look. (I'm sorry if one of these are your names you can change it if you want) "look who we bumped into girls it's the freak! What's wrong you want your mommy and daddy huh oh I forgot! They hate you!" Sandy said making her minions
Giggle "your like so right sandy" Mandy said twirling her dyed red hair. "Yeah like totally" April said with
Her left hand on her hip. little information on how these sluts look like Mandy has red dyed hair,red contacts, tan skin, and is wearing a blue chear leading outfit with yellow at the tips, and blue high heels.
April has blue dyed hair,blue contact's,tan skin, and is wearing the same thing as Mandy.
Sandy has dyed light green hair,light green contact's, tan skin, and wearing the same thing as Mandy and April also the chear leading outfits only cover there breasts and lower parts, the skirt stops at the mid-thigh.
You pushed past them and started running towards your class they were chasing you though but stopped
As soon you went through the door. Half of the class was there and looking at you with a mean look
Mr.roberts glared at you and said "(Y/N), no running in the halls" you rolled your eyes and sat at the
Back row next to the window. You sighed softly as you thought you saw something but when you looked
It wasn't there 'great, (Y/N) you've gone crazy great' you thought and started sketching in your drawing book.

~~~~~~~~~~~~({[ Le timeskip brought by fresh sans]})~~~~~~

As soon as the bell rang you grabbed your stuff and bolted out of there. You started running to (B/N)'s
School when you got there you saw him sketching something in his notebook but he was covered in scratches and bruises you were sad because this happened every single day of your miserable life you started walking infill you were in hearing range "hey (B/N)" you said he looked over at you and smiled, his
Yellow and blue eyes shining brightly "(Y/N)! Look what I drew for you!" He said. You walked over smiling and Crouched down to get better look it was picture of you and him holding hand with the words 'i won't ever Forget!' written at top it you hugged him and thanked him for the gift. I looked at my watch and said
"We should get going bro" he nodded sadly I stood up and picked up (B/N) and set him back down so he's standing up we started walking home when suddenly we bumped into a town elder "sorry"we said
"It's alright young ones but beware a blood moon is coming witch means two shapeshifter's will rise
And seek revenge on those who show hate to them it could be anyone in the town please be careful"
The elder said "okay, will do thanks for the tip" you said smiling she smiled back "get going you don't want to be late for dinner now do we?" "O-oh thx bye!"you replied walking away with (B/N) "what do you think she
Meant by that?"(B/N) asked "I don't know (B/N), I don't know" you replied.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[{(time skip to were you arrived home)}]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You walked inside shutting the door behind you quietly. You and (B/N) heard the sounds of screaming and moaning, poor (B/N) his childhood was ruined suddenly you heard a blood-curly scream of pain (B/N) made his cat ears and tail appear while you shifted into a griffin.

 You and (B/N) heard the sounds of screaming and moaning, poor (B/N) his childhood was ruined suddenly you heard a blood-curly scream of pain (B/N) made his cat ears and tail appear while you shifted into a griffin

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(That what your griffin looks like⬆)
You made a threatening pose as you stalked up the stairs (B/N)'s nails became shaper meaning his claws
Are ready for striking. (B/N) followed close behind you as you walked down the hall to your parents
Room the door was slightly open you and (B/N) peak in what you saw made your blood run cold your parents blood was everywhere. Your dad's body was cut open and filled with candies while your mom's
Head was cut off the people who did this were talking they were saying this "hey masky~""what is it L.J.?"
"Do you think they have some kiddies here or no?~""well I saw a photo here somewhere and they have 2
Kids one girl one boy I believe the girl is about 13 or 12 years old and the boy 8 or 9 good luck""Pff I don't need luck I'm the great laughing jack!". (B/N) and me started walking away until (B/N) tripped and broke a lamp I heard thumping footsteps coming our way. I ran over to where (B/N) was and picked him up and threw him on my back as I started running they were hot on my tail so I jumped out a window flew towards
The forest not before hearing them say "Stop! Wait!". I landed in a tall tree on a hard and sturdy branch
I shifted back into my human form the cool noon breeze flew though my hair (B/N) jumped off my back
And crawled so he was laying on me I looked up at the setting sun then down to my brother's sleeping face
And soon enough fell asleep too into a nice peaceful slumber.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~({[???'s P.O.V.]})~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I was just out killing with L.J. cause slenderman and zalgo order us to kill the wife and husband but they didn't mention anything about the kids and suddenly we see a Neko boy and a black and white griffin I think
Laughing jack and laughing Jill will keep it. You know what we need report this to slenderman and zalgo ASAP.


Howdy everyone!
I made this book because I barely see any creepypasta x shapeshifter reader
I will also probably make creepypasta x witch reader y'all know it's more
Fun to write something that makes you guys powerful. Also I remade the whole chapter
Cause I wasn't satisfied with it I'm also going to remake the other chapters and I try and update
I soon as I can't promise anything cause I'm not good at that but hey! I'll try.
Anywho I think that's it so PEACE!😺😸😺😸😺😸

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