Earth's Window

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Will you watch the world with me,

As it spins round and round,

Shall we laugh or shall we cry,

Or shant we make a sound,

Do we dance and do the jig,

Or do we stay stock still,

Maybe we jump from our perch,

On the e arths window sill,

Would we fall to the ground,

like a falling star,

Or would we fly through the air,

land somewhere way afar,

Could we kiss do you think,

Beneath the blazing moon,

or should we hug,

but maybe not, because that ends to soon,

can we try our best to catch,

our own shining star,

So if i lose you deep in space,

I'll always know where you are,

And lastly, can i stay in your arms,

Where its hotter than the sun,

We can come back another day,

And through the Earths window we shall run

Madeline Noble     02/03/2012

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