Smells Like The Ocean

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"H-Hey, where are you taking Gonta?!" 

A large voice called aloud, belonging to that of a much larger man. That man being Gonta Gokuhara, his long, dark hair flew up and down in the breeze and the force of the smaller body that pulled him along.

"Aw, don't stress Gonta! Angie has a little surprise planned for you!"

That voice would be belonging to Angie Yonaga, her silvery white hair flew through the wind as she dragged the tall man with all her force, all while keeping a wide grin on her face.

Her cheerful giggle filled the air around them as she continued to lead Gonta to her special plan, "Don't stress, for it isn't something life threatening! At least...Angie thinks so!" She chuckled sheepishly.

"Ah ha...Gonta hopes so too.", He laughed along with the smaller girl awkwardly, uncertain whether he should fear for his life or not.

Some time passed before they reached their destination, "Alright Gonta...Keep your eyes shut tight!"

Large feet scrunched up in between the sand, sandy dust and such running through their feet before Angie showed him the grand reveal.

"Aaaaalllrighty, open your eyes Gonta!" The little female exclaimed with glee, standing confidentiality before the scene unveiled before the large giant.

Said surprise the little islander had been hyping the larger man about for the past hour or so revealed itself onto the viewing of the forest boy.

Shady trees hanged low as a gentle wave pushed itself against the warm, soft, sandy pathway. Assorted life lived freely and amazingly here, showing many exotic beetles and other creatures not normally found this simply.

"W-Wha...How did Angie find this?" Was all he muttered in a stunned expression, completely memorized by the beauty before him.

"Shh, it's best not to ask questions Gonta! Just live in the moment, take a deep breath... And tell Angie, what does it smell like to you?" She asked simply, soaking up the setting sunlight with a small smile.

"It smells like...The Ocean." He answered with a grin beginning to expand, turning to the smaller girl. Pulling her into a massive hug in appreciation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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