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Setting: early morning; Annie in the diner Kitchen making coffee, Mac comes down the stairs from the apartment above just as the diner front door opens...

"Morning Annie," Mac says quietly as she hands him a cup of coffee

"..." she nods in acknowledgment

"Macabre you open?!" A familiar voice shouts from out side the kitchen

"Stay here," Mac whispers to Annie then steps out of the kitchen, "what can I do for you Mr. Stark?"

"You can start by getting me a coffee," Tony says sitting at the counter, "and tell your wife back there that your kid is under the counter."

"She knows Mr. Stark," Mac says as he pours a cup of coffee

"How is she by the way?" Tony ask

"Fine," Mac says, "can I get you anything else."

"Do I ever get to meet the mysterious Mrs. Macabre?" Tony asks taking a sip of the coffee

"She's not a people person," Mac says

"Eggs for me," Tony says, "another coffee to go, you make tater tot's this early?"

"Not usually," Mac says, "but we can."

"Great; do that," Tony says

"Anything else?" Mac asks writing down the order

"Pepper's usual to go," Tony says

"Your order will be ready in a few minutes Mr. Stark," Mac says passing the order through the window

"Ahah!" Tony exclaims, "I saw her hand!"

"Lucas go to mommy," Mac says to the little boy under the counter

A two year old boy comes running around the counter and into the Kitchen; in the Kitchen Annie picks up the boy and holds him on her hip as she finishes Tony's order.

"Your wife draw these?" Tony asks as he looks at the drawing behind the counter

"Most of them," Mac says, "Lucas did some."

"I can tell," Tony says as the bell in the window to the kitchen rings

"Orders up," Mac says handing Tony the to go boxes and coffee, "have a nice day Mr. Stark."

"See you tomorrow," Tony says picking up the boxes and leaving

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