Only the beginning

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They were running, their loud footsteps heard crunching the fallen leaves behind them. Zelda and Link not caring about the noise they were making continued on. Link checked behind him every few moments, his time adventuring had taught him to be paranoid. If you were to listen closely, past the footsteps you could heard hundreds more. These footsteps were matched with the horrendous snarls of Gabon's minions.

"It's just a little bit further" Zelda told him nearly out of breath.

Link cast a curious glance at her, having not been told where they were going. He could feel himself dozing off, getting slower as the large gash in his leg continued to drain more and more blood. The Once Princess of Hyrule winced at his injures, being mostly unharmed herself aside from a few cuts or bruises. How had this happened? She pondered to herself, every life Ganon had attacked, and every life he was all too successful. The dreadful memory from only a moment ago played itself in her mind.
Herself, accompanied by Link sat at a large dinner table. It was quiet, ad things usually were for Link. It wasn't a bad silence. Actually the word that came to her mind was Comfortable. She still imagined what a talkative Link would be like, the thought caused her to giggle openly. Link looked up at her, as though asking what.

"Nothing. Just a thought" She blushed as Link's eyes roamed over her.

He smiled back warmly, this smile however was cut short as a guard ran in. Zelda was at first angry they had been interrupted, her expression grew into concern as she say that the guard was bleeding profusely.

"Your highness.." He trailed off, "Ganon, is near" he fell quickly, Link catching him right before he hit the ground.

Link sets him down gently on the ground, looking up with a look of sadness. The sadness however was drowned out by the anger for the man who had done this.
Zelda knew it was time, her and Impa had known this day would cone eventually. It always had, and always will. Link and Zelda had luckily gotten out of the castle, not without running into a few minions. Which had caused Links leg injury, this brings us to the present. Zelda muttering something about a chamber as they continued on. The hero was hopeful, a chamber could provide temporary shelter. Yet he knew something was off. He could see a tear sliding down Zelda's cheek. It wasn't long before their run came to an end. They stood in front of the chamber, it's polished stone walls contrasting greatly from the mountain landscape around it. Link felt the rain hitting them, it wasn't falling too heavily, but it wasn't just drizzle. The sound of it hitting the ground was almost calming, he looked up toward his princess once more. She no longer tried to hold her tears, and Zelda didn't show emotion often.

"You'll have to forgive me.." She said, straining through the tears.

She cried loudly before throwing herself into his chest. He hugged her back, as tightly as he could before the feeling hit him.
She had placed something on him, even she was unsure of what. Impa said it would knock him out long enough to put him in the chamber. For he would not have gone along with this plan. The drowsiness hit him, he quickly tried to stand up. He was unsuccesful as he fell to the ground. Uncouncious, Zelda used her last bit of strength to carry Link to the chamber. He would sleep here for one hundred years, she placed his body in the cool blue water. She knew what this meant.. Her death. She however, would be reborn much quicker than he would. She quietly watched him, his memories being wiped right before her. A side effect of the cryogenic sleeping Imoa had told her. She walked up, with one final tear she placed her hand on his face.

"Try to remember hero, my hero.." She had to leave quickly, leading Ganons troops away from the chamber.

------100 years later-------

Link stirred, before a voice caused him to awaken. He could feel the cool water around him.

"Wake up Link"

(Should I continue this? Let me know below)

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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