Nicki Minaj (raising tiana)✌️

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Tiana POV

"Where have you been barb?"Nicki asked me as soon as I walked I the door,she was sitting on the couch with the tv on a random show

I was suppose to come straight home after dance class which ended like 6hours ago. But I decided to skip so me and my main bitch,kiara,could go to a house party of course I was drunk,who goes to a house party and doesn't get drunk..where they do that at?!lmli just ignored what ever nicki had to say I started walk up the stairs

"I asked u a question!"she says with anger,ugghh I turned around and walked back down the steps to sit on the last one,nicki has been on my ass for the past weeks

"I don't kno,where have u been?,." I say gettin smart but also laughin

Then she grab my arm and gripped it tight,she looks at me and says

"Are you drunk?"

There was a long silence before someone came and knocked on the door.

We both look then nicki turns to me

"This conversation isn't over,stay right there!"

She answered the door it was my friend kiara, she was wasted to.She was 17 like me, she was in a long distance relationship and for the past few days she's been hanging out more,but I loved this side of her but not when she's really really wasted then she becomes to moody.

"Hheeyyyyy,urr that rapper girl arenn'tt u." she says dragging her words trembling every where

Nicki then looks back at me then at kiara

"Have u been drinkin to?"

"Tiana,u told?"she says trying to find a position to stand In

"No,first u can't hold ur balance,second u smell like alcohol,and third talking weird." I say gigglin that was the drunkness talking

"Kiara come on in, you can stay here tonight.." nicki says to kiara

"Okay thanx"she says as she heads to the room

I start to follow behind her but nicki stops me,why can't she just leave me alone,uggghhhhh!!!!!!!!😩😩

"Nicki can we just finish this in the morning?im tired as fuck."

"Ayyee,watch ur mouth!!and okay get a good rest cause all three of us need to talk."(three of us meaning....... kiara,me and nicki,si they all go to sleep 😴😴

Kiara's P.O.V

(Morning time nicki was up makin breakfast)

"Good morning" i say walking down the stairs

"Good morning,how u feelin?" nicki ask me,still kindve lookin pissed

"Ohh,im good did u call my mom last night?"i ask lookin worried

"Don't worry I didn't tell her u were drunk barb."she says stroking my hair she then walks and sit on the couch

"Is tiana up?i wanna talk to both of yu."

"Uhhh,no I don't think so but I'll go get her."

I walk up the stairs to tiana's room when I go in I see her knocked out on the floor her covers off the bed,one shoe off and one shoe on,and she just looks a mess🙊i walk to her shakin her so she can get up and take a shower,she gets up with a headache then runs to the bathroom,pushing me out the way,i run after her when I got there she had a major hangover.

Tiana's P.O.V

After waking up,i ran straight to the bathroom vomiting.When I looked up kiara was patting my back.She such a good friend.

Nicki Minaj (raising tiana)Where stories live. Discover now