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Meghan works with me at the Wendy's down from my school. She invited to go to a coffee house with her her two friends. I thought about it for a while since I hadn't known her very long, but eventually I decided to go. We planned to me at 4:30 so I left at 3:00 (this coffee shop was about 40 minutes from my house). I didn't know what to expect since I had only met Meghan once and had never met her friends. The coffee house was also new to me. So, it's not to anyone's surprise that when I got there I was a little shocked. I pulled in to a stone drive with the wood sign out front that read "Sweetwater Coffeehouse". As I eased in to the small drive I drove by a bright purple shack with whimsical decorations almost something compared to a gardeners shed. There was a small yard that had tables set up, and at one table a group of what at first glanced appeared to be emo, drug addicted teenagers.  I was hoping this was not them. I found a space in the gravel lot to park, and I picked up my phone to text Meaghan to let her know I was there ( I was just a little early). She had sent me a message at the same time letting me know that she was indeed there and that they were inside. So I hesitated for a moment or five, and got out of the car. I walked on to the small porch and through the creaky door. Instantly as I walked in I was impacted by the aroma of coffee and what I describe as acceptance of imagination. There was an energy to this place that instantly drew imagination and adventure through my veins. The girls were sitting at a small wooden table and had already ordered coffee. Meghan had iced, and Rosemary had hot. Madison had already drank hers, but I assume it was the same as Rosemary's since they had the same cup. We talked about ourselves and parts of our stories. Then we hung out in the parking lot since it was hot in the shack. We listened to music that I was unfamiliar with but enjoyed. I'm not sure if it was the coffeehouse aroma or the look of the Ford Focus that Meghan owned but suddenly I had felt this since of adventure. I had felt as if this were something that you'd see in a movie similar to A Bridge to Terrbithia minus the rope and death. These girls and this place had sparked my imagination I was afraid I had lost. Imagination fuels adventure without imagination it's hard to make life interesting. We consider people who live in a make believe world to be naive or dreamers but what's a life without dreams. Whats sleep without dreams? Sleep without dreams are simply blackouts. That's what life is without imagination simply a blackout and waste of time.

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