chapter 1

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Hello, So I've been watching once upon a time and I really wanted to turn the snow white story into a jungkook x reader, so this will take in a place where magic exists, trolls, dragons, etc etc.So please enjoy, But I don't promise quick updates, because I have other bts x readers, but please read those^^ that being said, enjoy and tell me what you think.

Here we have a royal carriage, taking the forest trail back to the royal palace.The palace was high upon the hill overlooking the fairytale town, it's many pointed towers giving it the look of an eccentric crown. The walls were a white stone that glistened in the summer sun and the roof was gray slate. It was as big as twenty of the ordinary houses of the town and employed a good number of the townsfolk. Around the palace were the horse pastures and kitchen gardens for the royal family, and around that was a stone wall topped with iron spikes and guarded day and night.The prince, sat in his carriage, wearing his dark blue clothes that resembled his hunting clothes, all for the reason he found them more comfortable.

The prince, sat in his carriage, wearing his dark blue clothes that resembled his hunting clothes, all for the reason he found them more comfortable

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(something similar to this)

His hair was jet black, A slightly hooked nose, and rosy plump lips, His eyes were big, round and dark, Yet his personality was cheery and Patient.Except for this particular moment.In front of him was his fiancee.She was indeed a beauty.Her face was the definition of beauty, with her cherry lips and rosy cheeks, But her constant nagging ruined the mood of even the happiest person on earth.

"why did we have to take this road?We could've taken the one by the bridge.It would have been faster."Hyejin complained, with her arms crossed and her annoying high pitched voice.The prince sighed, for what seemed the hundredth time, and forced a smile on his face.

"I figured we'd take the more scenic route."He answered her, he wasn't wrong, though.He enjoyed the many plants and the occasional animal that they passed. She just scoffed and looked outside the carriage window"I've seen better"She said with an uninterested tone.

The prince could only roll his eyes at her and pull out his small book, that he had brought with him, all because he didn't want to deal with his bride to be.Why would a prince be annoyed at his future wife?If he is marrying her why would he dislike her?Well, here's the thing.His father, The king, And king Midas, of the neighboring kingdom, had a little agreement that Midas would marry his daughter to the prince and His father would provide some of the kingdom's cargo and livestock, plus the two kingdoms united to prevent war from the two.Oh, of course, the prince couldn't deny the offer.The fate of the kingdom lies in his hands, Plus his father begged him to accept the offer.what else could he do?

"Are you even paying attention to me?"Hyejin asked the prince in an annoyed tone all because the prince wasn't listening and paying attention to her.I don't blame him.

"I'm sorry, what?"The prince said, trying to not sound rude.She just crossed her arms and humphed in her seat."Nothing!" she said loudly.The prince was so close to losing it, thankfully the carriage stopped abruptly.

"There's a fallen tree blocking the road!"

The guard yelled out.A chance!

"I'll be back, I'll go help remove it."The prince quickly said as he scurried off the carriage, leaving a few things behind, like his book, his small bag of jewels and his yelling fiancee, who continued to yell out "DONT LEAVE ME HERE ALONE!"

Finally away from his fiancee's annoying attitude, he went towards the two palace guards, who surrounded the fallen tree.The prince went to the end of the tree, inspecting it, and found something very interesting.

"This tree didn't fall down."He said, to particularly no one "It was cut down."

"How can you tell?" A guard asked him.

"The markings, it doesn't look as if the tree was rotting from below and had to fall, more like it was cut down with some sort of saw..." he was puzzled about this.Why would someone just cut down a tree and not do anything?

Suddenly a scream was heard from behind him.That scream belonged to the one and only princess hyejin.Quickly he turned around at the sound of the scream and saw a cloaked figure running away with something in their hand.A thief! Quickly the prince ran towards the carriage and looked inside.There on the velvet couch was his little book, A screaming fiancee.The only thing missing was his Bag of jewels.CRAP! he mounted a horse that was pulling the carriage and quickly went towards the direction where the cloaked thief ran.

There he was!The thief was running down the road, as quickly as he could, holding onto the bag of jewels that he stole from a blueblood.The prince quickly caught up to the thief and with his foot he kicked him on the shoulder, knocking him off balance and onto the ground.

The prince dismounted his horse and went over to where the thief has fallen.A groan was heard from the thief, as he rubbed his bruised shoulder.His back faced the prince, and the prince walked towards him."I have to give it to you, you're a brave man to steal from the royal family."He said as he grabbed the hood covering the thief's identity, and (h/l) (h/c) locks were revilved.She turned her head and made eye contact with the prince.she had large (e/c) eyes, Rosy cheeks, and a dainty face.She looked more like a princess than a thief. "You-You're a woman?!" he asked.

"nope, I'm a man who looks, sounds, and acts like a woman." she ansered him sarcastically, which he was unamused by."Well, man or woman, you have stolen something very dear to me, and I command you to give it back." he said sternly.His jaw was clenched and his eyes were serious.

"and if I don't?"She said in a cocky tone." then I'll have to take it by force"The prince said and lunged himself towards the thief, but she was quick.She grabbed a nearby rock, the size of her hand, and slammed it on the side of his face.The prince groaned in pain.His head was pounding, and his cheek was stinging.He felt a small trail of blood on his cheek and he cursed.He looked back down to where the thief was supposed to have been, But he heard the whinnying of a horse and noticed she was mounted on it.

"Thanks for the jewels," She said before whipping the reins and running off to the distance.The prince was filled with rage.His eyebrows were furrowed, and his face was redder than the fires of hell.Her cockiness, Her sarcasm, the fact she cut his cheek with a damn rock.He was livid.He stood on the dirt road and yelled out to the top of his lungs.


And he was serious.He would not rest until he found The beautiful thief.

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