I'm Going Crazy

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It's been a week. I haven't played the game in a week! It was addicting and it was killing me inside not to play it. The name rang in my ear over and over again...Majora's Mask. I just wanted to play the game again. Unfortunately, the game has a lot of glitches and well I can't stand them. It's highly annoying to play a good game with tons of glitches. Another thing, out of nowhere during the game a black screen would pop out and read "You shouldn't have done that". Once that happens I just turn off the game and break yet another controller. The game always glitches when I get close to beating the previous owners high score. I think his name was Ben.

When I first got the game it was already used but I really didn't mind to be honest. When I first opened it there was a file already saved. Being the person I am I left the file alone and made a new file. But every time I end up dying and then I have to restart and then I die and it happens over and over again. So I turned on the game console, Nintendo 64 by the way. The screen was full of static and it just turned black. I looked around, hoping to find the answer to why the game did not turn on. Well, of course no answer magically turned up on my dresser...

I looked back at the screen to see the screen flicker for like half a second... I'm guessing. Words appeared on the bottom of the screen "You shouldn't have done that..."

"What did I do that was so wrong??? I just turned on the game consol!! Nothing else happened, why do you hate me?!" That's exactly when a hand slowly emerged from the TV, first the fingers, then a hand, then the arm. As common sense kicked in... the arm's connected to a body, which can possibly kill me or not... the words were slowly said with the song "Healing" playing backwards ever so lightly. You know (y/n) I love how you study what's going around you rather than focusing on how you might be killed. I thought.

"I don't hate you... I just want to kill you~" as the person's head emerged from the TV. I had scissors in my hand already, they were one of the kiddy scissors that can't really cause that much damage but you know , that's all I got. Anyway, the person looked just like that statue that followed me around in the game, the one that kept killing me! As the person slowly emerged from the TV he began to be more realistic, rather than how he looks in the game. (This might seem as if this is a long period of time, from him getting out of the TV but you know... details guy's... details...)

The boy, guy, or person... looked at me and smiled, not one of those warming smiles, but one of those creepy, death smiles. My back was already against the wall, so I could only shake and hope for the worst. The guy jumps and landed with two feet on the floor and started to walk toward me. I then threw the scissors at him, not hoping for the best and it hit his face.

"Ow." the boy stated, he put a hand to his forehead and blood slowly trickled down his forehead, then I noticed he was crying blood. WOW, (Y/N) you don't say! I then pushed the boy down. He smirked as I was hovering over him.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Your head" He responded. Well then...

"Why?" I asked. He flipped us over, I was at the bottom, he was hovering over me. . TOO MANY QUESTIONS IDIOT!

"You talk too much, now let's make this a clean kill." he insisted.

"Well, kinda saw that coming." I responded, shutting my eyes tight waiting for anything to happen. After what felt like 7,345,865 milliseconds (A/N: see what I did there? XD) I opened one eye, still waiting for an impact from anything, sharp. It was just staring.... Staring at me....

"What?" he, thing asked.

"I mean, I didn't expect something or someone to come out of the TV screen and ask to have a pretty pink tea party." I stated. He smirked.

"Oh." he responded.

"So... Am I going to die or not? Kinda prepared here." I waited for an answer.

"Victims don't do that."

"Do what?" I asked.

"Say they're waiting to die. They beg for mercy and plead for their lives." he answered in a matter-of-fact tone. Like I knew what it was like killing someone.

"Well, I'm not like a typical person."

"I can tell. You threw a pair of safety scissors at me hoping that it would do some damage."

"It did make your forehead bleed... so, am I dying or not?"

"No, I think I'll let you live." he stated. I blinked, well because I'm suppose to blink... It's an everyday thing.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah." He stood up. That took an unexpected turn. I could have sworn I was going to die.

"Um... okay... but-" I stood up and turned around to find no one or nothing... I jumped at the sound of the song "Healing" playing perfectly normal. I turned towards the TV to see my Nintendo 64 on and working....

Uh.... What just happened??

I walked toward the TV and eyed it. It didn't look different, it looked like a regular flat screen TV. I held my hand up to touch it, thinking of all possibilities. What if it leads to another dimension? What if I end up in the game? I mean, he-the thing came from the game, right? Questions flew around in my head as I leaned my hand to touch the TV, nothing happened. I was just touching the screen to a flat screen TV. I placed both hands flat on the screen, not believing that the thing came out of my perfectly normal TV. I felt throughout the whole screen to find it perfectly fine.

"I'm going crazy." I concluded.

A/N: That's it!! I mean did I do good? I think I did, it came out pretty good. It is a one shot so i had to leave it like this. Cliff hanger in a way. But it is good to ask whether or not you want it to be a full blown story. Speaking of story... Check out my story, "The light Within( Dark! Jack Frost x Reader". Okay, I should shut up now but two last things...

Did you like it? (Tell meh in the comments)

Should I make this into a full blown story?


I'm Going Crazy (BEN DROWNED x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now