~Chapter One: The Troll On The Street~

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Dave's POV

Today was the day. The day I finally grow up and get my own respectful job. That is, if I could make it on time.

The pitter patter of the rain drops soothed the uncontrollable horomones inside my unstable body, helping me calm back down to a stable state.

Today was the faithful day I started working for The Human Law-Inforcing Organization, the 3rd most successful, government-owned company in the state of Texas. Being approved to work for such a company was truely in honor in my state of living, but others wouldn't have thought twice before going "Meh, okay" and casually going on to live the rest of their life working for the inspiring government-owned company.

Unfortunately for me though, I had forgotten to set my alarm for the correct timing, and woke up way too late for my liking. The thought of such a thing was so unnerving I shuddered in unamusement. So much for making a good impression on my first day of work.

As I hurried along the limestone pathway, i started to notice another running figure in the distance hurling toward me.

Before I could make any action to move out of the way, I stumbled into the unfamiliar stranger, falling back onto the cold, hard ground.

"Hey, watch where you're going-" I began to say, feeling my words start to roll off my tongue as I began to acknowledge what kind of person I was dealing with.

To my surprise, it was a troll. A lanky, skinny, male troll.

"Save it for later, wannabe" he simply spat back, scrambling back up to his feet.

As soon as he retained his balance, he began sprinting forward in the direction he was originally running toward, not even looking back to make sure if the stranger he just ran into was alright.

I scoffed in disapproval of his reponse, what an asshole.

I viewed the area around me, searching for anything I might have dropped in the accident.

Being reassured that I had lost none of my personal possessions, I got up to my feet, brushing off the dust that mockingly covered my favorite, black suit.

Maybe this was a sign that I should get new clothes, I thought to myself. All of my clothes happened to be at least 3 years old, so it was safe for me to assume that this accidental incident was a sign from god that I need to get some new clothing to cover my blinding body.

As thoughts whirled around in my mind like a level 5 tornado, I gradually began to remember why I was even running in the first place. Shit! I'm Late!

My pace began to quicken as my old memories started to swarm back into my thoughts. What a great first impression, I thought to myself, sighing heavily at the thought of being unexcused for my tardy.

After for what seemed like forever, I finally was able to make it to my destination. I pried open the entrance door with the feeling of pride overshadowing the uncontrollable feeling of being nervous.

In the process of starting to stride over to the nearest help desk, a elderly woman rushed over to my side in attempt of gaining my full attention.

"Mr. Strider! You're Late!" The old woman crowed, her once passive expression hardening into a profound one.

Before I could even apologize for the careless act, she latched onto my right arm and started walking me over to the furthest hall from the entrance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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