character introduction lmao

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Hey, I'm Miah. It's said the same as 'Maya' incase anyone's wondering.
I've recently turned 15 I think, I can't remember my own birthday.
I'm from Australia but I don't exactly live at home. Home is kind of a visiting place that I go to when mom is at work... I guess you could say I'm homeless?
Ah, yes, my mom. I don't talk to her, since whenever I try, she'd shout and throw empty glass bottles at me, the house reeked of alcohol, it turned me sick.
Ever since I was a young age I would get bullied.
"Donkey face!"
"Are you gonna cry to your dad? Oh wait! You don't have one!"
I hated it. But I grew used to it. But when I told my mom about it, she did the worst thing ever.
That's kinda why I'm quiet and I stay away from her.

Oh yeah, I have a brother too. I think he's around 16? I can't remember. His name is Luke. He always said he wanted to be in a band. Good luck.

I still go to school, though sometimes I don't.

I don't exactly have any money... but I'm sure I can manage with the $4.10 my brother secretly brings to me twice a week.

The place I hang out is under a bridge near a shop, it's got one of those public fire-warming things so I don't get cold. I have a small blanket and a little pillow so I dont hit my head on the rocks, not to mention theres a cute little dog who always visits around noon and I give him some food too.
My clothes kinda look like rags but they'll last another month. Whenever I go to school though, Luke brings me a hoodie and some jeans so I don't look so scruffy.
I have long blonde hair with split ends because I can't afford to go to the hairdresser. I wear a lime green snapback and my ripped hoodie is a lime green too. But all this lime has worn and its gone grubby. I also wear these black jeans and they're torn almost everywhere.

I forgot to mention about the guy who visits me every so often... I don't know if I want to say exactly.

Fine, he brings a little ziploc bag with him containing little crushed up leaves and gives them to me for $1.10. And honestly that's amazing.

Nobody knows about it.

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