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Okay! So this is the tagging book. Well, might as well do one of these, this is such an original idea. >_> Oh well, I thought I'd start this book off with ten facts about me! (SO ORIGNAL WOW)

Number Uno: What is your real name?

Uhh, just look at my current username. Take out the cat. Put those strange words together. Wa-la!

Number Twa: Cats or Dogs?

Cats all the way!

Number Twais: Favourite Colour?

turquoise. If you don't know what that colour is look it up on the Internet. I can't be bothered to get a picture up so here is a picture of my turquoise wall instead.

 I can't be bothered to get a picture up so here is a picture of my turquoise wall instead

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Wow, my wall looks sad. Well, uh.. How about I draw a cute picture instead and make it look coot. Okie. Let's try =_=

Nope, looks way too colourful now

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Nope, looks way too colourful now. But yes I did draw this, but it was for my art homework and dear god it took forever.

Question For: Boy or Girl?

I can assure you I am a girl.

Question Fife: Any hobbies?
Drawing I guess, singing, drama, sometimes voice acting, and watching YouTube >_>

Question Sickse: Where do you live?

Uhhh.....the U.K.That's all I'll say.

Question Servan: Digital or Old School?

I much prefer to use pencils and pens, because I am better at it that way >_>

Question Ate: Do people mistake you for your age? Like more old or young?

Most people think I'm older than I am. They say like three more years older. Don't know whether to take that as a compliment or insult.

Question Nighne: Any Books?

Warrior Cats! That's all I read pretty much apart from the AmazingBookIsNotOnFire.

Question Tehn: What do you look like?

Well, I'm a girl. I have long brown hair about to my elbow, SO MANY FRICIKN FRECKLES AND I HATE THEM!! Ice blue eyes, (my favourite feature hue hue) and quite chubby.But yeah!This is for my first chapter, so remember to leave a question in the comments you'd like me to answer! Boi!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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