Prologue ~ Make it stop...

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Yoongi pressed so hard on the lobes of his ears just trying to get away from the noise and the verbal torture he was enduring, and none of it was even toward him. For a five year old child, it wasn't often that his parents would fight, not in front of him anyway, but that day it seemed like they couldn't stand each other more than usual. Someone had pushed too far too early on into the meal and eventually, Yoongi was sent out of the kitchen and into his room so he wouldn't witness the row they were about to engage in.   

Of course, Yoongi heard every word as a result of having thin walls and it wasn't long before the tears finally escaped his system. Yoongi sobbed and wailed in his bedroom as he covered his ears, desperately trying to block out the shrieks and unholy verbal abuse his parents were exposing him to. Insults just back and forth from one guardian to another as he curled in tightly onto himself. Why was this happening? Yoongi was oblivious to the fact that his parents weren't happy in their marriage anymore and it wasn't normal that they even stayed civil in a room together anymore.

"Make it stop..." He begged quietly so they wouldn't hear him, trying not to make it worse for himself. His father would probably take it out on him if he wasn't careful with his words so he just kept quiet. 

Just then, just as he was about to give up all hope and cry himself to sleep, a soft, silky patch of fur brushed hard against the side of his shin. He looked down at an angle and felt all the noise being drowned out by the purring of his kitten, silver fur caressing the side of his leg and green eyes dilated as he looked up at him. 

"Jimin..." He scooped the kitten up and cried into his fur. "J-Jimin why are they fighting?" He sobbed as he held Jimin gently. The kitten purred louder and nudged his head onto Yoongi's right cheek before he licked away his tears with his sandpaper tongue, as if to say shhh I'm here, there's nothing to be afraid of...

And sure enough, Yoongi's tears subsided...

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