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Alejandra's POV
   I woke up to my brother Omar throwing a pillow at me "WAKE UP ALEX" he yelled and whined "OMAR SHUT UP AND LET ME SLEEP IT'S 6 IN THE MORNING" he just stomped out he was older than me I was 19 he was 25 I know ya we are adults and still living with our parents but it's only cause he came back for a few weeks from his job in New York so he didn't have a home here and I'm going to a college in la UCLA I leave tomorrow morning I live in New Jersey right now my Best Friend lived across from me WE ARE BOTH GOING TO THE SAME COLLEGE !! 
'Niovi why are you up so early'
'Alejandra get your butt up and get over here NOW' I was gonna say something but she hung up I put on a sweatshirt with some joggers and walked over to her house I walked in cause she told me to just walk in and act like it was my home  "NIOVI WHAT THE HELL DID YOU NEED THIS EARLY IN THE MORNING" I yelled running up her stairs to her room "Nothing just wanted to get you up so you can help me pack" I rolled my eyes and helped her
--1 hour later--
'Are we done ?'
"Yes" 'finally !' I said plopping down on her bed "CAN YOU GIRLS SHUT UP" Niovi's brother Javier yelled from his room he was Niovi's younger brother he was 15 he was a freshman in high school "SHUT UP JAVI YOU JUST MAD YOU AIN'T GOT FRIENDS TO KEEP YOU COMPANY IN THE MORNING" Niovi yelled back "imma head home cause Omar got back last night" she nodded and I left
Niovi's pov:
  Alejandra left and I headed down stairs and got some cereal and put on Netflix thru the wii I clicked on 'pretty little liars' and soon Javier came down the steps "you and Alejandra are hella loud"he said looking in the fridge "oh and your not" I said watching tv he didn't answer I got up "I'm heading out okay" I said grabing my black galaxy penny board

"Whatever I don't care just don't get kidnaped" he said eating I just walked out to alejandra's house "Alejandra grab your penny board !" I kinda yelled to her in her room "oh hey Omar long time no see"
(O=Omar A=alejandra N=niovi)
O- yeah how was high school for you
N-bad me and Alejandra where bullied
O-oh yeah Alejandra told me but don't worry college will be different kids are more mature
A-yeah everyone but me and Niovi hahaha
N-yaa that's true in so many ways
O-haha okay you girls have fun and be safe don't fall in you faces
A&N- okayy bye
We just rode to Starbucks "oh look who it is it's the weirdo twins haha" that was one of our bullies her name was Meredith "Shut the hell up Meredith"
M-or what. What you gonna do if I don't shut up ?
A-this alejandra ran up to Meredith and jumped on her and started hurting her badly merideths Best friend Mabrisa yanked her hair and pulled her off so then I ran over and yanked Mabrisas hair and yeah a big fight broke out people where recording and someone called the cops because they got here and broke up the fight

erediths pov
  My hair was messed up,my nose was bleeding,and bruises where forming they where actually strong enough to do this Marbrisa was the same but I think they broke her nose on in the table or something the two girls just had messed up hair and a few bruises forming when the cops got here they let us off with a warning.
Niovis pov
  I was done with there crap me and Alejandra had to do something so we did after the fight we just headed to the skate park and had some fun skating we saw a group of guys coming over to us "hey girls we have seen your moved your pretty good with a board" said the tallest guy I just nodded Alejandra said "impressed huh ?" The medium one said "I'm not impressed cause u girls look like girls who can do many things guys can do" the shortest one said "I am kinda impressed but we didn't catch your names" I just laughed and shook my head and Alejandra had an answer "that's for us to know and you to find out" she said with a little laugh at the end the guys just laughed the shortest one said "very funny girls but since you said that it mean we get to take you girls on a date" I just said "huh your very whats it called um oh you know when you have an opportunity and you take it" he just nodded his head smiling "well I have a girlfriend so you two guys can take the girls on a date" said the medium one grabing his board and going on the 1foot ramp "huh too bad he was good looking" said Alejandra  we just laughed and we all went our separate ways

-next morning-

Omar's POV
"Alejandra get up" she had to get her stuff in my car so I could drive her to the airport "what now" she just sat down "you have to go la and I have to drive you there" she quickly got up and put all her stuff in the car and helped Niovi put hers in my car and we drove to the airport they kept singing to every song that came on the radio

**at the airport**
       Javiers pov:
We were saying bye to Niovi and Alejandra when they started screaming along with other girls "THE TWINS OMGG ITS IT'S REALLY THEM" Niovi said to Alejandra and they ran off
    Niovi's pov:
            When I saw the twins I yelled at Alejandra and we ran over to them they where going somewhere cause they had a lot of luggage. They announced mines and Alejandras flight so we went back to our family said goodbye and hugged then ran to our flight we say sat next to eachther luckily we sat all the way in the back.
  *a few hours later*
I'm guessing me and alejandra slept the whole flight cause when I woke up the plane was landing and I woke up Alejandra.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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