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* Daily blog *

My name is Soo Jin, a geek that everyone knows in high school. Here's the first question for the day. You ask, how do they know me? Well, I hang out with a few friends that are well known in school.

You ask, who are they? One is preppy, the other one is a jock, and the last one is the funniest guy at my school. Unfortunately, the other person I was going to tell you about went to America. I'm not sure when he would come back though.

You ask, what else am I known for? I'm known as the transformation queen ever since they've seen me perform by the streets of Seoul. To be honest, I wasn't really interested in dancing and singing until my friends forced me to join them. At first, it was embarrassing, but seeing the people cheer on for me gave me the courage to continue performing with my friends. We continued doing street performances until we became sophomores. Since then, we hadn't been performing until we became juniors.

Okay guys last question of the day. You said, "I remembered seeing your performance with your friends and a bunch of guys. Speaking of which, they hadn't performed with you guys until the party last year, right?" Right! I kind of regret going to that party because a bunch of people were drunk with booze and the party reeked of hookah pens. At the same time, I'm glad I went to that party because I wouldn't have met them and learnt that love could just be right by the corner.

I see a bunch of questions asking me about who my mystery guy is. Well, that's a secret I'll never tell. But it all started when I had got 7 playboys.


Title: Got 7 Playboys?

Author: kittyKAT0824

Genre: Romance and Fan-Fiction



A/N: Hey guys! Even though my cover in this story sucks, I hope you guys would enjoy the story. Also, I know my english sucks so can you notify me in message or in the comments if I made some errors.

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