The move

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Your waiting in line for a coffee one day and in front off you there is a tall cricket-like man ranting about no cutsies.
I wonder if he's on of my patients you jokingly thought to yourself

~time skip (one month)~

Your about to carry the last box up the stairs when two youngish looking men place there hands on the box "hi I'm Doctor Lenard hofstader!" "And this is smelly Shelley!" Said the smaller one "ab-ught-" the taller man started making noises as if he was trying to Starr a sentence but as too taken aback my what the smaller one said
What a drama queen I thought...
" now Lenard you know very well that's not my name!" "Doctor sheldon cooper PhD" said the taller one with a look of sick pride "I'm doctor (y/n).... PhD" hesitating on the last part not wanting to look like a show off. "Oh wow your a doctor?" Said Lenard impressed "oh come on if Lenard can be a doctor anyone can these days" said sheldon harshly "so what's your profession?" Asked the Lenard, ignoring Sheldon "I'm a physiologist" I said "oh wow!" Said Lenard, "your never that excited when you mother is around?" Said Sheldon sincerely confused "she's a psychologist too" he mentioned, filling me in. Lenard shot him an angry glare "we're scientist at cal tech" Lenard continued "That's sound fun!" I said "it was before I met Sheldon" said Lenard, though he didn't look like he was joking. "Let us carry this box up for you, what level?" Asked Lenard "are you sure?" I asked "yeah it's the least we can do!" "Ok then! Level 4" I said "oh that's our level!" Said Lenard "well done you can count" said sheldon sarcastically "haha, come one help me lift this" said Lenard using the same sarcastic tone "my brain is my strongest muscle, and I can't life with my brain" said Sheldon acting as if he had just taught us all something new. "Come on" said Lenard rolling his eyes. They both heaved and tried to pick the box up together but ultimately failed "you want some help there?" I Said picking up the box with no effort and carrying it up the stairs, m the stunned boys following behind.

~time skip(a few hours later)~

(Y/n) poV:

I was just reading a book and whatever when I heard a knock on my door
Knock knock knock "(y/n)"
Knock knock knock "(y/n)"
Knock knock knock "(y/n)"
I opened the door to find sheldon standing there "it's movie night" he said with no other explanation "and.." I went "and... Would you like to join us?" He asked "who's us?" I asked "Howard and berny, Lenard and penny, raj and Emily, you and me" he listed "you and me?" I said in a confused tone "yes, since we- I'm assuming your single?" He interrupted himself "yes I am" I said "well since we are both single it would only make sense that you come along too, just to even out the numbers" he explained "sure!" And I followed him inside his own home, his friends already scattered all over the place. There was only one space left, referred to as 'Sheldons spot' so we had to squeeze in next to each other, which he surprisingly didn't have a problem with.
The movie was the dark knight and while Sheldon was routing for batman I was going for joker! Though every time the joker came on screen Sheldon would slightly hide behind me and I would watch the screen contentedly.

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