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Once upon a time there was a girl. Who had a family. That she will never know of . She was stolen as a baby. That day, the Queen Andreina and King Cristiano were going to have a baby girl to be exact. Everyone in the palaces so excited for new royal arrival . Well all except for one, Marva. The Queen's beloved childhood friend. She may seem to you nice, generous and kind but she's not. She's a witch of black magic. Meaning she had willingly give up her soul and humanity to lord of demons.

Now she made up a scheme for her only daughter to be queen. Soon baby was born she switched her with her own. This took time and planning  her baby girl was much older then soon to be princess. So she waited as soon the princess born acted like her daughter was getting sick. For few week she would studied the new princess then go home and made her daughter look more and more like new princes. it would be the perfect plan.

When the time was right she tell the King and Queen her baby girl had died. She made herself look so distraught so to let the King and Queen let her be a nanny to their child. This plan would have work no one seem to notice that the princess was switched.

Well all but one, Little Serina. She was only a girl at the age of 5. Her parents die when she was very young.The King and Queen were good friends with her parents so they adopt her like a daughter. She love to play pranks and work with the maids. So everybody thought she was a maid daughter. She give the little princess a necklace before she was taken and put it in small hand. It had cinders of her the little princess grandmother in.

Then Little Serina saw were the princes birthmark was and it look like red little star in palm of left hand. The next morning  Serina open the princess little hand and  necklace was gone but there laid the princess also no little red star That little detail will be Marva down fall.

That night the princess was gone form the placed. A knight road off with the baby to a different land. The knight  knew what he delivering. Marva threaten the knight to kill his beloved and son with a cruse.  The knight knew what he had to do he took the princess. 
He told to killed the girl in the instead he knew what he could the next best thing. Her identity away  he got off his horse and kiss the baby then whisper "goodbye little princesses" as he played her down the little necklace  had fallen and the cinders of her grandmother fall all over the baby. He quickly wrote a note and place it in the locket. He tried to close the necklace but he ended up stepping on it smuggling her grandmother name the was on the golden locket. He put it back and kiss the child. He whisper "have a good life my child"

Then he quickly then ran off and hope he made that right choice. Even with the job done the witch would till kill him. He knew he couldn't go back. So he stayed to watch the baby the baby grow. He know that his family were more safe if staying away he knew his knights would help if anything would happen. As the when back he pass by a girl with brown red hair walked towards the little princess so he hid in the darkness and waited.

The girl name Alexei found a baby girl. She was an orphan. She heard a thump behind were the baby was layed. She look around then look down at the baby it was cover in cinders. Surprised she picked up the baby ran home. Forgetting she was out before her curfew.

Mother Marsha was at the door ready to scold Alexei. She was old lady with a kind face and big brown warm eyes. When she saw Alexei with something her hands she started yelling." Where have you been? My child this is very late for your time being wake at this hour!-" Then she realized something was a miss. When Alexei stop running to catch her breath she was frantic she said. " Mother Marsha help!" Mother Marsha looks what Alexei has in the in her hand that it was a baby who looked cold to the touch. "Sister Susan! Sister Katherine! Come out here!" She yell into the house with a bit of fear in old voice.

Two women come out rushing to get out. One with blonde curly hair and blue vibrant eyes she was Sister Susan. Other had silky brown hair beautiful hazel eyes and she was Sister Katherine. They checked if the baby is well. She was fine just a little chilly due to the cold summer night. They had no clue how the cinders got on the little baby. The baby had nothing but the blanket and necklace that she was wearing. Necklace was locket but it didn't seem to be open anymore and was squished .The locket had fate words on it.

Sister Susan notice this she slowly move the smug off the locket. She saw what the necklace said it said Ella. "Mother Mary please come look at this."She yell Mother Mary comes to her and says. "What is this commotion about!""Look."
She had the necklace in her hands .It said A Ella . There was another part that she couldn't read very well .She all could barely make it out was a symbol. "What with this cinders ever were? We should call her Cinders." Sister Katherine said a joke. In the moment the the name had sucked to the child was Alexei (Cinder) Ella. Name after her savor and name after grandmother for her ashes and her name.

Years pass. She became more and more beautiful each day. Her hair was curly wild dark brown hair. Her skin was tan like light coffee and fair. Her eyes were vibrant blue as night sky. How many people said she was an angel. Sent from the heavens in looking alone. Her personally was wild and fiery.

When war stared they forced to moved form their home. But Ella wanted to stay and fight to be a knight like the one who saved them. That how she had few friends but thought of her as odd. The girls didn't like her she didn't want to be a princess and the boys didn't want to fight a girl.

When she moved she made more friends. It soon came to be that it was her only friends and mentor. Their were to older boys name Augustus and Marcus and a crazy old man that uses to be a knight name Henry. Augustus was a stable boy. Marcus was a blacksmith's son. Both 4 years he senior then her. Augustus taught her how to do tricks on the horse and how stay on it for a long time without being push off. Marcus taught her make the weapons. Henry taught her how to fight and hunted. She was natural.

When then the orphanage was in debt. She had to search for a job for the orphanage. So she left. This is where our story starts.

Enjoy. Copyrights to NDC

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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