A Disabled Pup

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Grabbing my hammer and some nails, I started towards the top of my avenue. Shep, my loyal sheepdog, just had four pups and I was going to put up a sign as a means of advertising them. Three of them were perfect. They were like black and white balls, bouncing from one end of the pen to the other. The other pup, well, didn't turn out quite right. He only had three legs and was unable to run or even walk properly. I doubted that anybody would buy him and I feared that he would not find a home.

      I set about nailing the sign into the fence. As I was driving the last nail into the wood, I felt a tug on the bottom of my trousers. I found myself glancing down into two round, blue eyes of a young boy.
   "Sir, can I please have a puppy?", he asked.
   "I would gladly give you a pup son. They are quite expensive puppies though, so I need you to run home and ask your parents first."
  "Can I at least look at them?" He asked, his young voice full of hope.

    I whistled. "Shep, here girl!" Shep came running out of the shed, three balls of fluff at her heels. The boys eyes danced with delight. He giggled as the puppies licked his face. He noticed something stirring in the shed. Slowly, another ball of fluff made his way over to the group- the disabled pup.

   "That pup. Mister, I want that pup!" said the boy, pointing to the fourth puppy.
   "You don't want that pup, boy. He has a problem with his legs and he can't run. You won't even be able to play with him."
    Slowly, the boy bent down and lifted up the leg of his jeans. Beneath it, I saw a lump of metal where his knee and his leg should have been. I felt my breath catch in my throat.
   "Well, I can't run very well either sir. He needs somebody who understands. Please let me have him!"

  Unable to speak, I bent down and picked up the disabled pup. I handed him to little boy, whose face lit up with happiness.
   "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He squealed, grabbing the pup from my arms.
"Take care of him for me?" I asked.
"Of course, Sir! Thank you!" He replied, turning back towards the way he came. I watched as the disabled boy hobbled down the road, a ball of fluff hobbling beside him.

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