I: The Very Beginning

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STEPHEN JAMES as Alejandro Bianchi

HUNGRY. Not hungry, but starving. Naomi was starving, she hadn't eaten in over a week. It's all his fault, he fooled her with his charming smile, his smooth speech. He made her trust him, he was her teacher anyway. Then he betrayed her trust and raped her.


"Hello, Mr. Lee," Naomi said with a bright smile.

"What's with the 'Mr. Lee?' Call me Taylor, Naomi."

Naomi chuckled. "Okay, Taylor."

"Naomi, the reason why I needed you to stay back was because your grade has dropped from a B to a D."

Naomi's smile quickly turned into a frown. "How can I fix it?"

Taylor smiled. "There is a way."

Naomi looked into his green eyes and saw lust. "Mr. Lee, I think I'll just take the D and be on my way," Naomi said packing up her things.

"No," he stated strongly. He walked over to the door and shut it locking it.

Naomi dug in her bag and pulled out a pair of sharp scissors. "Get away from me," she said her voice shaking.

Taylor chuckled. He walked over to his desk and pulled out a 9 Millimeter. "I'd advise you to put those scissors down young lady."

Taylor started getting undressed. Naomi closed her eyes and started praying that someone would come in and stop him.

He walked over to her and pressed her up against the wall and started taking her clothes off. Naomi struggled and Taylor pressed the gun upside her head. "Turn around and bend over," he commanded.

She did so and he shoved his length inside her. Tears burned her eyes, she never thought her first would be like this, she always thought it was going to be on her honeymoon with her husband and man she loved. He continued with his sexual torture. Once he reached his climax he filled Naomi with his release.

Once he was finished her walked over to his desk, gun in hand. Naomi grabbed her clothes and put them back on. She felt a burning sensation in between her legs.

"You're a monster," Naomi said.

"And you're a dirty slut so I guess we're perfect together," he said putting his clothes back on.

"Oh. Before I forget, if you tell anyone I will kill you, and I'm not joking like you do with your so called friends, I mean I will put a bullet in your heart." Taylor said grabbing his stuff and leaving his classroom. Naomi stayed in the classroom and cried her heart out.

A hour last and she finally stumbled out of the classroom. She got into her truck and drove to her home.


She stared at the stick and cried. She was pregnant with the child of the man that raped her. Her mom came rushing in when she heard her cries. When she opened the door she saw her daughter sitting on the door crying and clutching something in her hands.

"What's wrong honey?" She asked.

"I'm pregnant," she said. And the second she did, she realized that it was the worst mistake of her life.


That night she did something she hadn't done in a while. She prayed for help. Naomi needed it, she didn't want her baby to die. Even though the baby she was carrying was the child of a monster, she wasn't heartless. She was going to love her baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2017 ⏰

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