Catfight at Bradenton Gospel TabernaclePart 1

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It was a beautiful evening in Bradenton Florida. The reknowned Bradenton Gospel Tabernacle was hosting a nearby Sarasota Church in a joint celebration to praise the lord. Bradenton's choir and band were up on a podium and as the service began they enthusiastically began singing, playing, and dancing.

Some of the girls from Sarasota Methodist took a disliking to the service. In particular, they didn't like how the girls from Bradenton were dancing and how the boys from Sarasota were staring at them intently. When a couple of the Bradenton Girls, Halee and ______ kicked their heels off and began dancing in front of the congregation, several of the Sarasota boys joined them. As they all sang and danced, Heather, Lisa, and Megan quietly seethed. These were their boys and though they preferred to flirt and tease than date any of them they angered that the Bradenton Girls seemed to have the attention of their boys. The Sarasota girls quietly huddled as the service wound to a close. They were going to show the Bradenton Girls not to mess with them.

After the service, a dinner was planned. As the congregations shuttled off to the feast, the Sarasota girls spied one of the Bradenton girls coming out of the far bathroom alone. They approached her and bitterly denounced her and her friends. "Too bad the girls from Bradenton are so ugly. You all have to act like such sluts." Alyssa Ann was taken aback. She had no idea what these girls were saying. A lithe girl with light brown hair. Alyssa decided to walk away. But her path was quickly blocked by the larger, athletic Lisa. Before Alyssa could step around her, Megan grabbed her by the shoulder, spun her around and began pushing her. Alyssa was stunned and uncertain what to do. Out of nowhere, Megan raised her fist and directed a punch in Alyssa's direction. Tiny Alyssa was nothing if not quick. She speedily raised her arm and deflected Megan. This infuriated the striking blonde girl from Sarasota. She reached back to punch again. Suddenly Alyssa's arm shot forward and delivered a hard punch to Megan's stomach. The girl went down. The Sarasota Girls were surprised by Alyssa's power. Lisa reached forward to grab Alyssa. But Alyssa managed to slip out of her heel and bring her foot up to connect with Lisa's jaw. What the girls didn't know was that Alyssa had her share of scraps in her life. Though she was usually at a size disadvantage, Alyssa had always come out on top. Girls at her school were afraid of her and she was used to be given a wide birth. Of course, Alyssa had never fought a girl like Heather. The blonde and busty Heather was a fantastic athlete. A former gymnast, she competed on her girls track team, not only in sprinting events but even in shotput where she regularly out threw girls much larger than her 5' 2" 115 lbs. Heather's bitchiness was legendary. But she had no problem backing up her words. While Alyssa might be able to handle the other girls, Heather was a different story. As Heather lunged at Alyssa, she quickly got her in a bearhug, brought her to the ground and pinned her arms over her head. At this point, Megan and Lisa were able to take their revenge. Alyssa was punched and kicked a few times. Until she stopped struggling. The girls stood over her and called her "a bitch." But this was just the beginning of their tirade. Their real targets were the girls who were dancing with their men. They left Alyssa to lick her wounds as they went in search of Halee and Chastity.

The girls spied the Bradenton girls eating supper...and with some of the boys from Saratoga. They seethed and waited for the girls to leave the crowded auditorium, so they could stake their revenge. Then, when Chastity got up with her friend Haley Ballard to head to the bathroom the Sarasota girls followed them.

As Chastity headed into the bathroom, Lisa suddenly appeared to block the door. "Excuse me. Can you move out of the way," said Chastity calmly. "Make me, bitch" spat back Lisa. Chastity was shocked and before she responded, Megan had grabbed Haley and wrestled her to the ground. Megan began hurling insults as she overpowered Haley and put her in a schoolgirl pin with little trouble. Heather cackled "Kick her ass, Megan" as  Haley tried to free herself to no avail. Meanwhile, Chastity knew what was up she reached out and grabbed for Lisa. The girls locked up. Chastity was a big girl and quite strong. She began to push Lisa over and get on top of her. Chastity wasn't looking to fight but she had to defend herself. She was clearly stronger than Lisa. So, as Megan was creaming Haley, Heather realized she would have to intervene before Chastity overpowered Lisa. Heather reached in between the girls to separate them. She and Sarah then faced each other. They grappled. Although Chastity was bigger and quite strong, she was no match for the powerful, athletic Heather.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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