•Chapter 1•

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•The Abduction•
•Part 1•

     You never hear anyone preach joyfully about being blind or about having bad eye sight. You'll never hear me preach for I'm not even paying attention to you.

My eyes are too focused on the little fireworks that turn from red to green. I love taking off my glasses when we go on drives.

The mumbles in the background are completely irrelevant to my amazement. It's almost like being in a heaven of blurred colors. Something too precious that not even a camera can capture.

"(Y/n)!" Michelle yells.

"Huh?" Putting my head back inside the car instead of leaning on the open window.

"I swear it's like talking to a fucking wall!" She laughs.

"I'm sorry," I laugh, "but um what about Blackbear?"

"He's having a concert in the city this weekend and I want to go!" I stare at her small stature take the wheel. It's like looking at a toddler drive.

"Um...I don't know-"

"(Y/n)! He's your favorite! I know you wanna go, I don't know why I'm even discussing this with you."

I chuckle. "Alright, fine! I'll go." I smile.

She squeals as the giant hair bun on top of her head moves along with her jolly movements, the car lights radiate off of her tan skin.


"I hate you." I smile, putting my head out the window again.

"I love you too."




Michelle drops me off at home. I can hear the neighbors argue upstairs as I finally fall onto my bed after a long day.

Their mumbles through the ceiling are quite loud.

"You dumb bitch! When I say I wanna see them, I wanna see them now!" The man sounds angry.

"Oh really? Fine!" The woman sounds just as angry.

I'm pretty sure she just showed him her breasts on account of I hear lots of moaning and grunting right about now.

What an interesting elderly couple. I don't know whether to think of that as goals or to be totally grossed out.

He screams, "That's right! Give it to me!"

"Shut up, Hank! You're gonna wake the nice girl down stairs!"

"Let her listen!"

Oh god! I flip over and bury my head under my pillow, drowning out the vulgarity of two 86 year olds getting their steam on.

Yea, I'm totally grossed out.



Morning shines through the strands of hair stuck onto my cheeks.

Why does morning have to be so fucking early?

I groan as I throw the blankets over myself.

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