Ghostly happenings

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"Wait for me!!!" called out Robbie as his sister raced towards the creek. "This place freaks me out!"

"Well you better keep up then, Squirt."

"I can't, you're too fast for me, I'm only 8, you can't expect me to keep up with a 14 year old!"

"Too bad, I guess you can't help me catch a lizard."No answer. Jessica looked behind her only to see that her brother was no longer there. "Robbie, I swear, if this is one of your little tricks I am so telling mom,". Now she was scared. Jessica frantically looked everywhere, finally she hesitantly turned to the creek to see one of her brother's shoes floating towards the middle of the water. Screaming, she ran towards the string of liquid and waded in, splashing everywhere searching for Robbie. She found him a little further down the creek, still struggling, and swam out to help him and was pulled under by his fighting and they both drowned.

The parents sent out the locals to find them and the children were found 5 miles from their home after falling down a waterfall, their bodies broken.

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