you have the Strength

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  • Dedicated to Emily Petrovic

It hurt so much to see

Your fragile body

Curled into a ball

In that hospital room

You looked so young and small

And brought down to your knees

I held my tears in

As I watched you cry your own

You looked so strong and faithful

Years of strength, rolled into your youth

I could barely stand to watch

As you second –guessed your bravery

It hurt so much to see


Hooked up to the tubes

That pumped poison into you

I’ve asked myself the question

And I’ll ask it again

Why does

Cancer invade the lives of many

It comes with no invitation

It cares not in the least about age

It alters the lives of those whom it attacks

And it leaves without picking up the pieces

Your strength will get you through

Your faith will push you on

Your bravery will help your to keep going

My love will be with you no matter what you feel

Through the ups

Through the downs

You will never be alone

I’m right here by your side

 Love you Emmy. You're gonna get through this. Pinky swear. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2012 ⏰

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