Typical day of jumping out of tar tombs

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Clutching the flashlight in my hand, I walked closer to the smell of something burning. Man, it straight up smells like a volcano up in here. I'm such a dumb ass for coming here. I thought these so-called 'tar tombs' could lead me closer....

I slide my hand against the wall until suddenly there wasn't a wall anymore. I stumbled over a little. Thanks, random clumsiness. You are so welcome. I point my flashlight down towards to tombs. All covered in tar. How it got this way I don't even know. One thing is for sure. Now that I'm stuck here, I need to make sure that the FBI don't catch me. I searched my backpack to see exactly what I had to aid me in this... situation. A tampon. Um, what? Ok, I'm not even going to ask Terra. I had a glass jar that I could use to take samples of the tar. I did need that.

I got out a mini pack and found a glass spatula. I took a sample from the tar that was beside me. Having knowledge in different subjects is helpful I guess. Well, other than me being naturally intelligent. That and I study. A lot.

This tar isn't the normal tar you see often. It looks way gooier and smells an awful lot like lava. Wonder why that is. Looking around, the tar is organized into specific columns and evenly spaced out. I stood up. Man, this is going to take longer that I originally planned.

"In and out, I said," I talked rhetorically to myself. "It'll be easy, I said."

I walked around to the opposite side, gazing at all the engravings in the walls. They were definitely old of some sort. I couldn't make the grazed out sections of the pictures or text. Other than that, it was definitely Akkadian, a very ancient language. How it got here I have no clue.

"I think I found something!" I heard someone shout a distance away. I turned around fast. Shit. They were catching up fast. I turned my flashlight off, and put everything in my backpack, almost forgetting the sample of tar. No time to put it into the backpack, I rushed into the other 'entrance' for the tombs. I climbed through narrow tunnels. It is so cramped in here. I finally got dropped into a little cavern for what seemed like forever. I listened before grabbing my flashlight to look around. It was the cave in which I came into these tombs. Awesome. Meaning my car should be somewhere around here. I walked outside into the fresh California air. I rush to my car before a guard stopped me.

"Hey, can I see your ticket?" The guard asked me.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded. "What? Oh. OOH, yeah." I handed him the parking ticket. He looked back at me. I gripped my hat down so he couldn't see my face. The last thing I need is a police officer to see me.

"Thanks," He said slowly, handing the ticket back to me. "Have a nice day."

I sighed. Too close. I typed in Terra's number in the car. I opened the open-air mode in my convertible, listening to the wind and the phone dialing.

"Hey, what's up?" I heard her say.

"I need you to text Marcus and his crew that we are going to his lab today. I'm on my way to pick you up," I informed her.

"Awesome!" She replied. "I'll get ready then."

I drove down the highway looking into the heart of L.A. I loved it here. This is one of the best places I have ever been in my life. Other than Mexico. Anyways, I just love the feeling of being here. It's so nice and cozy. I do often travel, because of the 'work' I do. California is just where I grew up - especially without my parents. They just disappeared, not even getting a chance to raise me. But they've left me with a wonderful house, and a wonderful life so far. I bet they regret doing that because of what I ended up doing with my time.

When I was 9 I think that's when I first saw Indiana Jones. Man, that is one hell of a movie. I loved it, and it inspired me to do what I'm doing today. So I guess that was the start of it. Also Now You See Me was a really amazing movie too. I didn't watch because of magic, though.

I saw Terra's house on top of the mountain. I guess I'm close already. I say that when I still have to get up there, which may take a while, considering the fact that I have to drive up the mountain just to get there. So it just so happens that no one else lives up here. Meaning she owns this entire mountain. Wish I could have that. I can't really live somewhere, though. I have to keep on the move, or I will get caught, and that would be bad. I drove up the driveway, honking for her to get her ass outside. She came rushing out. She was holding heels in her hand, wearing her famous dark red jeans (She loves those ones). Her ombre gray crop-top sweater was definitely good-looking. Her brownish-blond hair was flowing in the wind.

"Damn, I said going to Marcus'. Not to your next date," I told her sarcastic. She rolled her eyes.

"Come on, let's get going," She sighed getting in the car.


Thank you guys so much for reading my new story. I want to know how you like this idea so far, and the main character. I'm also done with another book (Fully), and it's edited. The problem is it doesn't have multiple people telling the story, so once I fix that, it'll be good. So that's done, guys. I will be uploading weekly for this book. As for my other book, you guys should tell me in the comments if I should fix it and publish it all at once, or if I should do chapter by chapter like this book. Thanks so much for reading the first Chapter of Whom I seek.

Love you Guys!!!!!! ~Immauri

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