Steve x Stark!Reader [Part 1]

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The team has split into two; Team Iron Man and Team Captain America. Being a Stark means automatically joining Team Iron Man.  But Y/N Stark was not going to join any sides.

"Y/N, I need you to be on my side," Tony argued.

"I'm not an Avenger. So I don't need to be on anybody's side."

"Y/N, please just listen-" Steve started but was cut off.

"No! Leave me out of it. Don't come find me."

With that said, Y/N left the compound she called home. She was not going to have to choose between her father and the man she loves.

Y/N went to the one place she knew she could turn to, her mother's. One moment she was outside the compound, the next she was in front of her mother's front yard. Teleporting has always been her thing since she was 8.

Knocking on the door twice, she heard footsteps rushing towards the door.

"Y/N!" Amelia, her mother, exclaimed upon opening the wooden door.

"Hey mom."

"Come in. Your dad called."

"Of course he did. But you know I can't agree with him, nor can I be on Steve's side," Y/N explained as the pair when to the living room.

"I know, sweetheart. Do what you must. Or as a certain someone would say, do the right thing."


Days went by and Y/N still has not heard anything from Tony. She only got news from tv and that proved less than enough to keep her satisfied. From what she has seen, Steve and Sam went rogue and has been labelled as criminals. Bucky was allegedly responsible for the Vienna bombing. Y/N knew she needed to help in some ways but truthfully, there was nothing she could have done to stop both parties.

A huge fight ensued at Leipzig/Halle Airport, however Y/N did not get the full details. Y/N was lost in her thoughts when it was rudely interrupted by a loud crash coming from the kitchen.

Y/N found her mother rambling something incoherently and her hands vigorously pointing to something. Y/N knew what it meant; it was a vision. And by the looks of it, it was not a good one.

"Mom? Mom! What did you see?"

"You need to find your father! Now! Go!" she pushed Y/Naway.

"What do you mean? What's going on?"

"Save them. Both of them. Save Steve by saving Tony. Stop him before it's too late," Amelia warned her daughter.

Within seconds, Y/N was back at the compound. Not a soul was there, not Rhodey nor vision.


"Yes Miss Stark?"

"Where's my dad?"

"He's in Siberia."

"Get a jet ready and set the coordinates for his last known location," Y/N ordered.

Y/N changed to her cat suit that matched Black Widow's, only hers has a hint of red.

What seemed to be an eternity later, Y/N finally reached her destination. With a gun in her holster, she began teleporting to different parts of the building.

In one room, she came across the footage of the Winter Soldier killing the Starks. Covering her mouth in disbelief, Y/N knew her father had seen that. A loud charged of a repulse caught her attention so she teleported herself.

"Stop!" Y/N screamed just before Steve delivered a final blow to Tony's chest with his shield.

Bucky, missing his metal limb, was lying hopelessly on the ground. Y/N ran forward, pushed Steve out of the way, shielding Tony with her petite body.

"Leave," she said between her teeth.

Steve did not reply, but complied her orders. He went to help Bucky when her dad spoke up.

"That shield doesn't belong to you! My father made that!"

Steve dropped the shield and carried on with Bucky, leaving the father daughter behind.

"Dad, I'm so sorry. I should have been here with you, by your side. I'm sorry," Y/N cried.

"Let's go home."


Two months later, things almost went back to normal but not so much. Y/N was used to having more people in the compound. Now there was just her, Tony, Vision and Rhodey. Tony had built Rhodey exoskeletal leg braces that allow him to walk again.

Out of everyone in the team, or more accurately, everyone who used to be in the team, Y/N missed Steve the most. They had a very tight-knitted friendship and almost anyone can see that they had feelings for each other. Maybe it was them trying to be professional, or maybe they were just too stubborn to admit it.

Many times Tony would find Y/N curled up in Steve's room while holding a piece of the super soldier's clothing. But he never mentioned to Y/N that he knew. Tony wanted to get his daughter back; the girl he love and care for.

Y/N was offered a job with the new S.H.I.E.L.D led by Director Mace which she gladly accepted. This meant that she will be away from the compound most of the time. Maybe this could take her mind off of Steve.

However luck was not on her side. On her first mission, Y/N and a few other S.H.I.E.L.D agents were trapped by ex-Hydra agents, hired by the Watchdogs. Y/N was captured as she tried to distract the ex-Hydra agents away from S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

Y/N was awakened when ice cold water hit her face. Waking up groggily, she tried to study her surrounding but all she could gather was less than enough to help her break out of there.

"Ah sleeping beauty's awake."

Y/N noted that her hands and legs were bound and she could not teleport out. No matter how much she will it to happen, she was still strapped to the bed.

"You're not going anywhere. We've been studying you, you know. From the things we could get our hands on at the old S.H.I.E.L.D Base," a woman's voice echoed from the other side of the room.

"Senator Nadeer... you're with them? You're Hydra?"

"Silly girl. Hydra's long gone. But yes, I'm with them. Who do you think paid them?"

"What do you want from me?"

"For now, nothing you can give me. Only your father can."


"What do you mean she's captured?!" Tony raised his voice.

"Mr Stark, I understand what you're going through now but-"

"Really, Dr Simmons? Tell me, have you had a daughter taken from you?"

"Tony, I need you to calm down," Director Mace intervened. "We're all trying to understand why she's captured. And more importantly by who. But before we can discuss things further, I think it's best if you meet someone first."

Director Mace motioned for Daisy to lead someone in and God knows that Tony could have passed out that very moment.

"Phil? How- when- what?"

"Good to see you too, Tony. I know, it's a little unbelievable at the moment but I'll tell everything after we find Y/N."

"Did she know?"


Tony shook his head. His daughter was missing and the man he thought was dead for years is actually alive and Y/N knew about it and kept it from him.

Director Mace ordered for a press conference for Tony to deliver an official statement regarding Y/N. this will in turn get the attention of the people who took her and hopefully they will make contact soon.

That's the plan at least.

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