Special Day

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"Today's special!~~" The blonde boy grinned, knowing it was just Miku being Miku. He knew that she loved- he meant liked- him dearly, no matter what she said.

Is what he thought.

"How so?" The girl asked curiously, trying her best to act out a confused stare.

The words shattered his heart.

"A-ah... it-it's not important." He grinned, a streak of sadness following the smile.

"Ah, I see. Alright. Be on your way now. It's ladies night with Rin, remember?"

'Rin!' Banana boy thought of his sister, and tapped his chin.

"A-Alright!" He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"See you later then," Miku got up and dusted off her white dress.

'Oh, how angelic her looks, and how devilish her attitude,' Len thought, unconsciously grinning like a doofus.

(A/N: I was so temped to write 'SeeU later then,' as a joke but I held  it in-)

"What're you staring at, pervert?? Kagamidiot!"
Miku huffed as she emphasized the last part and walked off, secretly slipping her cellphone in her palm.

Len frowned. 'She usually isn't THAT harsh... okay. That was a lie.'

'Operation birthday party is a go,' She texted Rin, grinning at herself, sighing.

'PERFECT! See you later ;)' Rin texted back

It was the perfect plan.

After buying a couple of things, Rin and Miku met up at the tealette's house.

"So spacious! Perfect for streamers!" Rin guffawed, eyes shining.

"Heh. Yeah. Perfect!" Miku responds.

After about thirty minutes of awkward silence and putting up decorations, Rin breaks the ice.
After all, Rin and Miku are as thick as thieves.

"So... how's it goin' with you an Lenny~~?" She purrs excitedly, her eyebrows twitching with excitement as well.

"Fine, I guess," Miku responded matter-o'-factly, known for the dense person she is.

Rin fumes.

"Arg! Has he asked you out??" She blurts out.

"W-WHAT?? Me? With-With-With-" She stops herself and whispers. "Len..?" She usually never calls him by his first name.
It's usually 'Kagamidiot,' 'Banana Boy,' 'Moron,' and so forth.



Her? Dating him?

"Well, yeah!" Rin blurts out, her blonde locks swaying as she says that.

"I dunno." Miku spat bluntly, turning her nose up.

"Don't be such a tsundere!"

"Tsun...dere?" Miku's face scrunched up.

What the hell was a tsundere?

- Time Skip -

As people started flooding into the house for Len's surprise party, Miku realized she forgot something.

"Cake!" She blurted.
"I forgot the cake!" She repeated, worriedly.

She rushed out of the house, and went to the nearest bakery.

- Meanwhile, at the Hatsune Residence -

The blonde boy shoved his bangs out of the way, biting his lip.

'Did she really mean it? Did she forget? I thought she lov- I m-mean, I thought we were friends!'

Our boy blondie here was fighting with himself in his head, blushing madly.

"Why'd Rin want me to come here so urgently..." Curiosity struck him as he walked inside the house.

"SURPRISE!" Crowds of voices started chattering and laughing.

He smiled, seemingly forgotten about Miku. Until... he realized that she wasn't in the crowd.

How unusual. Wasn't this her house?

He seemed to forget about that as he slumped back on a chair, giving everyone a sad smile.

"Thanks guy-" He was interrupted by the slam of a door being opened followed by loud huffing and puffing.

"HOLY HELL, LEN. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TROUBLE I WENT FOR YO-" Miku stopped mid sentence, realizing everyone was here



She chuckled nervously.

Len's eyes lit up when he saw her, almost jolting out of his seat.

The crowd made a pathway for Miku as she walked to the kitchen, her head hung low.

'Stupid, stupid, stupid!' She thought to herself, setting the box down on the counter.

"So... uh... anyone wanna see the cake?" She awkwardly smiled.

Len grinned. "Of course!"
He strolled over to her, the crowd following him.

As he opened the box, it read:

Happy Birthday, Banana Boy

He laughed.

"Thank you.. Miku.."

Walking over to her, he hugged the tealette, leaving her stunned.
After a couple of seconds she relaxed, chuckling from Rin heard in the background.

"Well, what can I say? I lo- I MEAN I LIKE YOU. I HAVE SOMETHING TO DO UPSTAIRS, OKAY, BYE!" She basically ripped her arms off Len and stormed upstairs, leaving Len a blushing, grinning mess.
Little did he know that Miku was in the same condition.

"Alright Leek Freak," He whispered after her, smiling like a doof.

"I love you too."

(A/N: ALRIGHT! First lenku oneshot! Woo! What did you guys think of it? I got bored and wrote this OwO)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2017 ⏰

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Birthday Boy - Oneshot (Lenku/Len x Miku/Miku x Len)Where stories live. Discover now