Prologue: The massacre in kingslanding

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Robert POV

Robert, said Jon, you don't have any heirs, Cerceis children are bastards born of incest, Joffrey, Myercella and Tommen, you need to arrest her, with that he closed his eyes.

But I have anger in my eyes, guards, I want every Baratheon guard to kill all Lannisters, expect the imp, kill Cercei, Jaime and all those monstrositys, bring me their heads.

Right away your grace, said the guard.

Without the king knowing a children heard everything and he inform as fast as he could, as the massacre of the red keep started.

Tyrion POV

It happened so fast, the Baratheon guards started to kill all Lannisters guards, while eating, while fucking whorses, Varys told me to meet him as fast as he I can.

My lord, good you arrived, Varys said, there is no time, Jon Arryn the told  the truth about the incestuous relationship of your siblings before he died, the king has ordered the dead of all Lannisters and has ordered to keep you alive, I manage to rescue your niece, Myercella but Joffrey and Tommen are already dead.

What?, I said, as I look to the hooded figure that appeared, it was Myercella, crying and scared, uncle, what is happening?.

You have to take her to a boat that is waiting for her to take her north, the guards are told to bring her to Eddard Stark, where she will be safe, Varys said, came there is no time, put this clothes on and go, then return to your chambers, we don't know what the king will do if you go missing too.

Cercie POV

It was a normal day that turn bloody, the Baratheon guards started to kill all Lannisters guard's  in cold blood, it was a slaughter, was Robert crazy?, then of the Baratheon guards started to grabbed me, let go off me!, I am your queen!!.

The whore queen thinks she give orders  still, said of them, as they started touch me more, get off me!!!!!.

Look what I got here three freaks of nature, said one of the guards, as he lifts the heads of my children, and here we have the golden lion, as be lift Jaime's head.

The guards started to rape me, then I saw Robert coming my way, a knife in his hand, your a whore, he said, then he stab me in stomach once, bitch, again, whore and then stabbed me until it was darkness.

Tyrion POV

There was blood everywhere, my niece room was bloody, but the body wasn't hers, as I send her north, I saw Pycelle body on the floor, dead and bloody, the headless body of Jaime, looks like he put a fight before he died, the headless body's of Joffrey and Tommen, their guards dead on the floor, it was a slaughter, a horrible crime and war, as I am  sure ny father will declare war on Robert.

You imp!, said a guard don't move, I knew I as already dead.

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