Red eyes

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Red eyes, red eyes there everywhere. In the darkest room. Once there was a girl. She usually get's picked on by her fellow classmates. She sits in in the classroom. Not just any classroom, but in THIS classroom.

Now let's get back to the story, so the girl was sitting in the back. Her classmates were picking on her again. She never speaks, but that day she spoke for once in her life.

"Beware of the red eyes. Beware of the red eyes." She kept saying this over, and over. Until the teacher came into the room.

Everyone went back to their seats. About 20 minutes later. She started to say 'Beware of the red eyes.' Over, and over again.

Then 10 minutes later they heard a noise in the vents. The teacher sayed "Go back to work." 10 minutes again they heared a noise in the vents.

The air vent gate flew open. All you could see were red eyes. Again the girl sayed, "Beware of the red eyes." Over, and over again.

The red eyes crawled out of the air vent, and landed on the ground. She had a wicked smile. Razor sharp teeth, and claws.

Then in a flash everybody except the girl were on the floor dead. Blood was everywhere. The red eyed person ran towards the girl, and went inside of her body.

"Thank you, my demon." The girl sayed. "Your welcome, sister."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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