Chapter 1: The beginning

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"This is hopeless" I thought to myself as I struggled with my nen practice that my mother had given me. 

"Y/N, are almost done sweetheart?" My mother called up the stairs.

"Yes mother, I'm almost done destroying the entire world without moving!" I exclaimed sarcastically. My mother gave me the training task of getting a guy named Hiroshumi Tatsuke to bring me a stolen hunter's license and then make it fade from existence. Neither of which I had ever met the guy, or seen a real hunter's license in my life.

 For those of you who don't know, one of my nen powers is the ability to control people from a distance, without ever meeting them knowing them or anything, I can make them do whatever I want, whenever I want. Also, I have the ability to destroy anything I wish, it will be done unnoticably to the others in this world, it will be as if that object never existed. My nen category is obviously specialist, but that also means that my trainer, wing-san, could do almost nothing to guide me, as he didn't know what I was experiencing. I remember the day I found out my category like it was yesterday......


  "Wing-san, when will I be able to start cultivating my own nen power? I've been training in the basics for almost two years now, don't you think I should be allowed to branch out and finally get my specialized power? I mean, come on, I don't even know my nen category yet!" Without realizing it, I had started to yell, and my aura was becoming spiked with bloodlust, but as it was with most of the time, I had no desire to hurt Wing-san, but bloodlust came thundering out anyway.

"Y/N, this is exactly why I haven't let you test for your nen category yet! You don't have enough control over yourself. Imagine what this would be like if you had a finely trained specialized nen power behind that uncontrollable bloodlust you have there. Would you be able to restrain yourself from trying to harm me? I think not!" While Wing-san had barely raised his voice, I could tell he was extremely frustrated with me.

"I'm so sorry, Wing-san, please forgive me, I didn't mean to lose my temper, it's just that..... I've been training so long, and it feels like I've been getting nowhere, and I really want to know my nen category so I can start to come up with and form a specialized nen ability."  I sniffled and my bloodlust faded away into exhaustion, I sank to the couch and fell asleep. The next thing I knew it was morning and Wing-san was asleep on the floor.

"Wing-san?" I said

"Oh, Y/N, you're awake! We have something important to do this morning." he said with a smile.

"What are we going to do Wing-san?" I questioned.

We are going to test you for your nen category Y/N! Let's go to the kitchen, I set it up last night after you fell asleep." he beckoned for me to follow him into the kitchen, and i followed.

"A cup of water? with a leaf? That's it?" I exclaimed with shock.

Yes, now step up to the cup place your hands about 6 inches away from it and perform your ren." he said to me.

"Okay, Wing-san" I stepped up to the table, put my hands about 6 inches away from the cup and let loose my ren. First a cloud of swirling purple and black mist appeared above the cup, and Wing-san murmured  

"Oh, a conjur-" he began, but before he could finish, the cup itself rattled in place, and then faded away and was gone.  

"It seems that you are a specialist, Y/N! I do not yet know what your power could be, but it must be powerful, because no one has ever made the cup completely disappear." He said with a nervous smile.

"Okay, Wing-san, may I be excused to go home and begin developing my special nen ability?"

"Sure Y/N, just make sure to meet me in Yorknew city in 6 months to continue your training, and you can show me everything you've worked on and developed then, ok?" He said with a sigh.

"Osu!" I shouted over my shoulder as I rushed out the door to begin my journey back to my home in Glam Gas City.

**************END OF FLASHBACK***************

That was 4 months ago. Since then I have opened up to my mother and let her help me train and develop my nen ability, which is now the ability to control others and to be able to make anything I wish to disappear, I also have a seemingly incurable case of bloodlust, which has made me undesirable as a potential friend, which is why I never leave the house and rarely talk to anyone other than my family. The only one that really understands me is my little brother, Daichi.

"Y/N, you can finish your nen training later, it's time for lunch!" Mother called up the stairs again.

"Okay mother, I'm coming" I yelled back. I slowly brought my ren output down until I could safely stop what I was doing, stop using ren without losing my progress with connecting with this Hiroshumi guy (so I could come back and finish my training later), safely controlled my aura output with ten and proceeded down the stairs for lunch.


This is my first time ever writing something like this, It started with some random daydreams about my favorite anime characters (Killua Zoldyck and Hisoka Morou) and decided to write a fanfic to bring the daydreams to a reality of sorts and so I could share it with all of you. Please bear with me as I try to find my writing style, as this is the first time that I'm writing a story for other people to read. Also, a warning in advance, please stick with me as I start up this story, because the first couple chapters will be the backstory of the main character....YOU!! There will be no interaction with the two love interests for the first 2 or 3 chapters (this one included), because I think it will help enrich the quality of the story if there is a sturdy backstory and plenty of info about what's going on and what the cause is for all that's going to happen. Please bear with me, guys! I will update as soon as I can and thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Let me know what you think in the comments guys, see ya next chapter!!! 

Which one? (hisoka x reader x killua)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ