Chapter One

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I watched her sway back in forth her body enticing me. Her face kept hidden behind a jeweled mask. But her bright beautiful brown eyes pierced right through, paralyzing my body. She began to twirl around the pole so gracefully. After she was done, the brown eyed girl began to walk towards me and when she reached me, she began to lean towards me with her shapley wine colored lips. I reached up to pull her in for a kiss then she disappeared....

The bright light seeped through my closed blinds. "Ugh" I groaned trying to flip over to get away from it. You know that feeling when you wake up and your just so tired but you just can't go back to sleep, yeah that was me. I opened my eyes blinking rapidly trying to adjust to the light.

 Sitting up sighing thinking about the same dream I had been having for a month and half and every time she would just get closer and closer. Almost feeling real until I tried to touch her. Then she would disappear never revealing her face.

My phone began to ring obnoxiously who could be calling me at this time. As I reached over for it I got a glance at the time holy shit I slept tell 2:30 p.m for the second time this week no wonder somebody was calling.

"What hoe??" I said groaning

"Umm excuse me is that anyway to talk to your best friend Robyn Rihanna Fenty," my best friend Melissa exclaimed.

"I love you Melissa, but you don't need to call me every fucking morning," I said aggravated.

"Well what kind of best friend would I be if I didn't make sure my little Rob was ok," she said.

"I'm fine ok, I'm becoming content with my life and me and my mama simply don't need someone like that in our life!" I said feeling myself getting heated. I hated when people constantly asked if I was ok already knowing the answer.

"Rob chill I just want to make sure you don't do something stupid because of y-" She tried to say calmly before I cut her off.

"Oh my gosh I swear if you bring his name up or the situation I will never talk to you again," I said full on pissed.

"Ok ok damn fine.. i'll leave it alone but that not talking to me shit wouldn't even last for a week, but i'll let you cool off I love you" She said blowing kisses through the phone.

"I love you too now don't call me again with your stank booty breath !" I said giggling.

"Umm first o-" I hung up before she could try and start roasting me.

I threw my phone somewhere on the bed as soon as it landed I heard a yelp. "Oh shit sorry Coco," I said grabbing her and cuddling her. Coco began to lick my face barking, I scrunched up my nose and put her back down. I made my way into the bathroom and took one good look in the mirror sighing why was my life so fucked up. I was twenty five year old, working my way up as the CEO of my grandfathers company trying to meet every single one of his requirements. The only thing that made me want to just get up and keep going was my three year old daughter, Serenity Aubrielle Fenty. Your probably like what who's the baby daddy and your so young etc..

Well kind of a long story. I was with this girl yes a girl I don't do niggas. Anyway I was with this girl Onika since about the age of seventeen and honestly she was my world she just made me so happy and with everything going on back home she just made it all better. We were young so of course we did stupid things. Like deciding to move in together when we turned eighteen and not putting college first but I did still go to college for my business degree. When we were about twenty-one I proposed I know crazy but it felt so right. At twenty-two we had saved up enough to do artificial insemination and that's when reality really set in for us. After I had Serenity everything was good for awhile. But when Serenity turned one Onika started acting crazy always accusing me of shit. Then I found out that whole time she spent accusing me and treating me like shit she had been in fact sleeping with my best friend Trey for about five months. I was hurt and crushed. I had put so much time and effort into this girl to literally just have my heart broken. So I packed me and Serenity's shit up and left. Onika tried to stop us of course and she grabbed at me screaming "I'm sorry" and "It was a accident." But I literally didn't give a shit. The only thing I could think about was my best guy friend fucking the love of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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